Anti-Banner settings
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Enable / disable Anti-Banner
This check box enables / disables Anti-Banner.
If the button is green, Anti-Banner blocks display of banners shown on the websites that you visit and in the interface of some applications. By default, Anti-Banner blocks website banners from the list of known banners. This list is included in the Kaspersky Internet Security databases.
List of filters
Clicking this link opens the List of filters window in which you can use special filters to specify in more detail which exact banners need to be blocked.
Websites with allowed banners
Clicking this link opens a window with a list of websites on which you have allowed banners to be displayed.
Blocked banners
Clicking this link opens the Blocked banners window. You can use this window to create a list of banners to be blocked.
Allowed banners
Clicking this link opens the Allowed banners window. You can use this window to create a list of banners to be allowed.
Allow banners on Kaspersky websites
If the check box is selected, Anti-Banner does not block banners on Kaspersky websites or its partners' websites that host Kaspersky advertisements. A list of these websites is available via the Kaspersky websites link.
Kaspersky websites
Clicking this link opens a window with a list of Kaspersky websites.
The link is available if the Allow banners on Kaspersky websites check box is selected.
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