Kaspersky for Android
- العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
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- العربية (الإمارات العربية المتحدة)
- Български
- Čeština (Česká republika)
- Dansk (Danmark)
- Deutsch
- Ελληνικά (Ελλάδα)
- Eesti
- Español (España)
- Español (México)
- Français
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Italiano
- 한국어 (대한민국)
- Magyar (Magyarország)
- Norsk, bokmål (Norge)
- Nederlands (Nederland)
- Polski (Polska)
- Português (Brasil)
- Português (Portugal)
- Română (România)
- Suomi (Suomi)
- Svenska (Sverige)
- ไทย (ไทย)
- Tiếng Việt (Việt Nam)
- Türkçe (Türkiye)
- Русский
- 日本語(日本)
- Latviešu
- Lietuvių
- Srpski
- Српски
- 简体中文
- 繁體中文
About scanning
You can start the following types of scans:
- Full scan
Kaspersky app scans the device's entire file system. A full scan helps protect your personal data and money, it detects and eliminates threats on your device (in installed apps and installation packages). A full scan also detects adware and apps that intruders may use to harm your device or exploit your personal data.
Kaspersky recommends you run a full scan of your device once a week to ensure your personal data is safe. If you do not want to start a scan manually, you may set up regular scanning:
- Weekly scan. In the free version, Kaspersky app automatically scans all the files on your device at most once a week. The app smartly chooses the time for this automatic scan, so that it doesn't interfere with your use of the device. You cannot disable this scan or schedule the time of scanning. If you have a subscription, a more advanced version of this scan is available as part of Automatic Anti-Virus.
- Scheduled scan of all files. If you have a subscription, you may set up a schedule for scanning of all files on your device.
- Quick scan
Kaspersky app only scans installed apps. If you are using the free version, Kaspersky recommends you run a quick scan every time you install a new app.
If you do not want to start a scan manually and have a subscription, you may set up a scheduled scan of installed apps.
- Scan of specific files and folders
Due to technical limitations, the app cannot scan archives that are 4 GB or larger. The app skips these archives when scanning. The app does not notify you if such archives are skipped.