Install the app

You can install Kaspersky Internet Security from the app stores of Google, Huawei, or other providers.

To install Kaspersky Internet Security:

  1. Open the store app or website on your device.
  2. Find Kaspersky Internet Security. To do so, enter Kaspersky Internet Security in the app's search field and tap ENTER.
  3. Select Kaspersky Internet Security in the search results.

    A page with details about the app opens.

  4. Tap Install on the page with the app details.
  5. View the list of permissions that Kaspersky Internet Security needs.
    • If you agree to grant the app these permissions, tap Install.

      Kaspersky Internet Security begins to be downloaded and installed.

    • If you refuse to grant these permissions to Kaspersky Internet Security, tap Back.

      This cancels the installation of the app.

Some steps may vary depending on the store you use.

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