Excluding messages from Anti-Virus scanning by attachment name

Kaspersky Security 8 for Linux Mail Server can exclude attachments with certain names from Anti-Virus scanning of messages.

To exclude attachments with certain names from Anti-Virus scanning of messages:

  1. Export rule settings to an XML file using the command:

    # /opt/kaspersky/klms/bin/klms-control \

    --get-rule-settings <rule ID> -f <rule settings file name> or

    --get-rule-settings <rule name> -n -f <rule settings file name>

    The <rule name> should be enclosed in double quotes if it contains blanks.

  2. Open the XML file to edit the rule settings.
  3. Specify the names of attachments to be excluded from scanning. To do so, in the <engineSettings> subsection of the <avScanSettings> section, specify the file name masks as the values of the <excludedNames> setting.

    You can use the "*" and "?" symbols to create name masks.

    If you need to add several file names, each file name must be in a separate <item> section, typed in a new string of the settings file.





  4. Save the changes made.
  5. To import rule settings from an XML file, use the command:

    # /opt/kaspersky/klms/bin/klms-control \

    --set-rule-settings <rule ID> -f <rule settings file name> or

    --set-rule-settings <rule name> -n -f <rule settings file name>

    The <rule name> should be enclosed in double quotes if it contains blanks.

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