Configuring the processing of a message that cannot be disinfected

You can configure the actions to be taken by the application when processing messages with objects that cannot be disinfected:

Messages with objects are recognized as messages that cannot be disinfected in the following cases:

To configure settings for handling messages that cannot be disinfected:

  1. Export the ScanLogic task settings to an XML file using the command:

    # /opt/kaspersky/klms/bin/klms-control \

    --get-settings <ScanLogic task ID> -f <name of the settings file> or

    --get-settings ScanLogic -n -f <name of the settings file>

  2. Open the XML file of the ScanLogic task to edit the task settings.
  3. In the <avSettings> section, go to the <emergencyAction> subsection and specify one of the following actions to be taken by the application on objects that could not be disinfected:
    • RejectMessage if you want the application to reject a message with an object that cannot be disinfected.
    • DeleteMessage if you want the application to delete a message with an object that cannot be disinfected.

      The default action is DeleteMessage.

  4. In the <avSettings> section, go to the <backupEmergency> subsection and specify one of the options for saving messages with non-disinfectable objects in Backup:
    • 1 if you want the application to save a copy of the message in Backup then delete the message.
    • 0 if you want the application to delete the message without saving its copy.

      By default, the value is set to 1.

  5. Save the changes made.
  6. Import the ScanLogic task settings from an XML file using the command:

    # /opt/kaspersky/klms/bin/klms-control \

    --set-settings <ScanLogic task ID> -f <settings file name> or

    --set-settings ScanLogic -n -f <settings file name>

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