[Topic 134036]

About Kaspersky Password Manager

Kaspersky Password Manager is a comprehensive solution for protecting your private information. You can use the solution to securely store and retrieve your private data, for example, passwords for websites and applications, bank card details, or textual notes.

Data that is stored in the Kaspersky Password Manager application on your devices is synchronized with the data that is stored in the encrypted cloud storage on a Kaspersky server. Kaspersky Password Manager automatically keeps the data up-to-date on all your devices and allows you to securely access the data from anywhere via My Kaspersky.

How Kaspersky Password Manager protects your private data

Your data is encrypted based on your main password. The main password is not stored anywhere on your devices or in the cloud storage. Only you know your main password. When you enter your main password, the data is decrypted. You will be asked to create a main password when you use Kaspersky Password Manager for the first time.

Kaspersky Password Manager encrypts data using symmetric encryption based on the AES algorithm (block size = 128, key size = 256, padding = PKCS7, mode = CBC). When working with the cloud storage on My Kaspersky, your data is not stored locally on your device but instead is available only while you are using My Kaspersky.

It is impossible to recover the main password. You can create a new cloud storage and protect it with a new main password. When you create a new cloud storage, all data stored in the current cloud storage is permanently deleted. However, if you have Kaspersky Password Manager installed on your devices, you can sync your local data vault on the device with your cloud storage and then create a backup of your local data vault. You will be able to restore your data from the backup when you remember your old main password.

This method of data storage keeps your personal information safe even if your device with Kaspersky Password Manager is ever lost or stolen.

Types of data that you can protect with Kaspersky Password Manager

  • Accounts. An account contains the data required for signing the user into a website or application.
  • Addresses. For example, your shipment and billing addresses.
  • Bank cards. Store your bank card details to autofill when shopping online.
  • Images. For example, scanned documents. You can store JPEG, PNG, BMP images or PDF files.
  • Notes. Notes are intended for storing other textual information. The maximum length of a note text is 4096 characters.

Kaspersky Password Manager 8.x is not supported on My Kaspersky. Some types of entries created in newer versions of the application may be unavailable in previous versions. For detailed information on the types of entries supported in different application versions, please refer to Knowledge Base. You can always update your cloud storage to the latest version. The update is irreversible.

How to make sure you are using a strong main password

  • Do not use the same password for different accounts or for the main password.
  • Do not use a main password that is too simple. A password is considered strong if it contains at least eight characters and includes special characters, numbers, and uppercase and lowercase letters. A password should be from 4 to 64 characters long. The longer the password, the stronger the password.
  • Make sure that your password does not consist of information that is easy to guess or that can be found on the Internet (such as the names of family members or their dates of birth).

To take advantage of all the features of Kaspersky Password Manager, we recommend that you install the application on all your devices. You can find detailed information in the application Help at Kaspersky Online Help.

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[Topic 152226]

About limitations of the solution

Limitations of using Kaspersky Password Manager via My Kaspersky

The following functions of the application are not available on My Kaspersky:

  • autofilling of account credentials, bank card details, or addresses
  • adding application accounts
  • linking accounts
  • backup copying of data
  • using a main password longer than 64 characters

To take advantage of all the features of Kaspersky Password Manager, install the application on all your devices. You can find detailed information in the application Help at Kaspersky Online Help.

Limitations of the free version

The free version of Kaspersky Password Manager has limitations on the number of entries that you can use. You can remove the limitations by purchasing the subscription for the application.

If you have a registered but inactive subscription for Kaspersky Password Manager in your account, you will be prompted to activate this subscription.

Limitations of the subscription

When the subscription term for Kaspersky Password Manager expires, you will be prompted to renew your subscription or to switch to the free version. If the number of stored entries exceeds the limitation of the free version, you will be prompted to select active entries before you switch to the free version. You will be able to edit the active entries, but the rest of the entries will be read-only.

If you have not installed Kaspersky Password Manager on any of your devices, all inactive entries will be permanently deleted from the cloud storage when you switch to the free version. You can close the migration wizard, install the application on your device, and sync the cloud storage with the local vault before you switch to the free version. This way, inactive entries will be kept on your device.

When using a subscription for Kaspersky Password Manager, you can store up to 10,000 text entries and up to 3,000 images. If you need to store more information, you can contact Customer Service.

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[Topic 152779]

What to do if you forget the main password

If forgotten, your main password cannot be recovered. You can create a new cloud storage and protect it with a new main password. You will need to re-add your data to the new cloud storage.

If you create a new cloud storage, the old cloud storage will be permanently deleted along with all the data stored within it.

If you are using the Kaspersky Password Manager application on your device, you can save a copy of the local data vault from the application before deleting the cloud storage. You will be able to restore data from the copy of the vault if you remember the main password. For detailed information on how to save a copy of the local data vault, please refer to the Kaspersky Password Manager application’s Help at Kaspersky Online Help.

To create a new cloud storage and protect it with a new main password:

  1. In the Passwords tab in the main password entry window, click the Forgot your main password? link.

    This opens a window notifying you that you must create a new cloud storage.

  2. Click the Continue button.
  3. In the window that opens, enter the password for your account on My Kaspersky.
  4. Click the Continue button.
  5. In the window that opens, enter a new main password in the Enter new main password field.
  6. Enter your new main password again in the Re-enter new main password field.
  7. Click the Save button.

A new cloud storage is created. The cloud storage that was protected by the forgotten main password is automatically deleted.

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[Topic 134447]

How to change your main password

To change your main password:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter the main password.
  3. Click the Unlock storage button.
  4. In the upper part of the page, click the More actions button.
  5. In the drop-down menu, click Change main password.
  6. Enter the current main password.
  7. Enter and confirm the new main password.
  8. Click the Save button.

The main password is changed.

You can view information about creating a strong main password in the About Kaspersky Password Manager article.

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[Topic 134044]

How to search for an entry

You can use a text search or voice input search to quickly find information you need. For example, you can search for names of entries and images; textual content of entries; bank card numbers and expiration dates; web addresses, usernames, etc. You can run a search based on an entire word, the first few letters of a word, or any combination of characters.

A microphone is required for voice input searches. If voice input is available, the appropriate notification is displayed in the search field.

To search for an entry:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click Unlock storage.
  3. Click magnifier (Search) icon in the upper-right part of the window.
  4. Type text into the search field or say your request aloud.

Search results are displayed.

See also

How to organize entries into folders

How to add or remove an entry from Favorites

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[Topic 152787]

How to organize entries into folders

To create a new folder:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. Go to the All entries subsection.
  4. Create a new folder by clicking the Create folder button.
  5. Enter a folder name.
  6. Click the Save button.

The folder is created.

How to move an entry to a folder

To move an entry to a folder:

  1. Go to the Passwords section.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. Click the menu (Properties) icon on the entry that you want to move to a folder.
  4. Click the Move to folder button.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to move the entry to an existing folder, select the folder to which you want to move the entry.
    • If you want to create a new folder and move the entry to that folder, enter the name of the new folder.
  6. Click the Move button.

The entry is moved to the folder.

You can also drag and drop entries to existing folders.

See also

How to add or remove an entry from Favorites

How to search for an entry

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[Topic 152785]

How to add or remove an entry from Favorites

To add an entry to Favorites:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. Click the menu (Properties) icon for the entry you want to add to Favorites.
  4. Click the Add to Favorites button.

The entry is added to Favorites.

How to remove an entry from Favorites

To remove an entry from Favorites:

  1. Go to the Passwords section.
  2. Enter your main password and click Unlock storage.
  3. Click the menu (Properties) icon of the entry you want to remove.
  4. Click Remove from Favorites.

The entry is removed from Favorites.

See also

How to organize entries into folders

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[Topic 153017]

How to clear the list of recently opened websites

The list of 5 websites you have recently opened from your cloud storage is created automatically for quick access.

To clear the list of recently opened websites:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. Go to the Websites subsection.
  4. Open the Recent websites tab.
  5. Click Clear recents.

The list is cleared.

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[Topic 159013]

How to upload or download a document

To upload a document:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. Go to the Documents subsection.
  4. Click the Add document button.
  5. Choose an image file on your device.
  6. Click OK.

The upload starts. When the upload is complete, you will be prompted to delete the original image file from your device so it is stored securely only in the Kaspersky Password Manager encrypted storage.

You can upload JPEG, PNG, BMP, or PDF documents. Images will be converted to JPEG. Maximum file size is 6 MB.

How to download a document

To download a document:

  1. Go to the Passwords section.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. Go to the Documents subsection.
  4. Click the menu (Properties) icon of the document you want to download.
  5. Click the Download button.
  6. Choose a folder on your device to store a document and confirm the action, if requested.

    The download starts.

We recommend to store your important documents only in the Kaspersky Password Manager encrypted storage.

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[Topic 152788]

How to check the strength of your passwords in the storage

Kaspersky Password Manager checks if:

  • You use the same passwords for multiple accounts.
  • You use weak passwords.
  • You use a password that has appeared in a data breach

    Kaspersky Password Manager checks if your passwords have previously appeared in a password breach database. When checking, Kaspersky Password Manager does not send any of your data anywhere. To check a password, first, it is encrypted with Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). The result of this encryption is a long string of symbols, for example, da34a3ee 5e6b9b0d 3245bfef 9560g890 afd84709, called a hash. Secure Hash Algorithm is designed to make it impossible to restore the original value by using its hash. Secondly, a small part of this hash string is used to find all the hacked passwords in the database whose hashes contain similar symbols. The application then gets the full values of similar hashes and on its own side compares the received hashes with the hashes that are being checked. This is all done to make sure that no one can restore your passwords except you.

Additionally, the safety of your data can be compromised if you use information that is easy to guess as a password (such as family members' names or dates of birth). This cannot be checked automatically. We recommend that you use our built-in Password Generator to create strong passwords.

To check the strength of your passwords in the storage:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. In the upper-right part of the window, click the More actions button.
  4. Select the Show weak passwords menu item.

The Weak passwords section appears in the main window. The section displays a list of passwords that have been found to contain vulnerabilities. Click on an item to view detailed information.

See also

How to generate a strong password

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[Topic 141167]

How to generate a strong password

The Password Generator helps you generate strong passwords. You start the Password Generator and configure the password generation settings. Kaspersky Password Manager then generates a strong password for you.

By default, the application generates passwords consisting of 16 characters and containing uppercase and lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet, numerals, and special characters. You can select the symbols to be used by the application to generate the password.

To generate a strong password:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. In the upper-right part of the window, click the More actions button.
  4. Select the Password generator menu item.

    The Password generator window opens, and the application starts generating a password with default settings.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • If you do not want to use a specific type of symbol in the password, clear the corresponding check box.
    • If you only want to use specific symbols in the password, specify them in the text field in the lower part of the window.

    The application automatically generates new passwords when you change the settings and displays prompts about the strength of generated passwords.

  6. Click the Copy to clipboard button.

The generated password is copied to clipboard. You will be able to manually paste the password into the required field.

For your convenience, we have excluded the following similar symbols from password generation: 0 (zero), O (capital o), I (capital i) and l (small L).

See also

How to check the strength of your passwords in the storage

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[Topic 141168]

How to import and export data

On My Kaspersky, you can export passwords from your vault to a TXT or CSV file. You can send this file to a printer or import it into another application.

Kaspersky Password Manager does not protect data exported from the vault. You must ensure the safety of such data on your own.

To export your data on My Kaspersky:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. Enter your main password and click the Unlock storage button.
  3. In the upper-right part of the window, click the More actions button.
  4. Click Export to TXT or Export to CSV depending on the file format you need.
  5. Read the warning and click the Continue button.

Your passwords will be exported to a TXT or CSV file and saved to the Downloads folder on your device.

How to import and export data in Kaspersky Password Manager for Windows

The Import from vault section lets you import data from a vault created in Kaspersky Password Manager.


Clicking this button opens a window for selecting the path to the vault file. Once the vault file has been selected, Kaspersky Password Manager prompts you to enter the main password protecting this vault. If you enter the correct main password, the application imports the data from the file. When the import is completed, the application displays the import results.

The Import from browser section lets you import logins and passwords from your Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers' built-in password managers.

Drop-down list of browsers

In the drop-down list, you can select a browser you have used to save logins and passwords. Now you can see how many passwords are available for import. If the browser storage is password-protected, the password count will be unavailable.


Clicking this button starts importing accounts from the selected browsers' built-in password manager. When the import is completed, the application displays the import results.

The Import from password managers section lets you import logins and passwords exported from password managers used previously.

The Backup copy section lets you create a backup copy of the vault. If necessary, you can restore data from a backup copy.

Create copy

Clicking this button opens a window for selecting a folder to save a backup copy in. Once a folder has been selected, Kaspersky Password Manager exports your data there into encrypted file in EDB format. The backup copy is protected by the main password used when you created the backup copy.

The Export to text file section lets you export data as text to be printed using a printer.


Clicking this button opens a window for selecting a folder to save data exported from the vault. Once a folder has been selected, Kaspersky Password Manager exports the data to a TXT file. You can send this file to a printer.

Kaspersky Password Manager does not protect data exported from the vault. You must ensure the safety of such data on your own.

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[Topic 232804]

How to lock the cloud storage

If you are using someone else's device, or, for example, your device is used by several users, you can lock the cloud storage when you are finished working with it.

To lock the cloud storage:

  1. Go to the Passwords tab.
  2. In the upper-right part of the window, click the More actions button.
  3. Select the Lock storage option in the drop-down menu.

The cloud storage is locked. A window in which you can enter your main password to unlock the cloud storage is opened.

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[Topic 134045]