About website accounts
A website account is a combination of a login and password required to authenticate a user on a website.
For websites, Kaspersky Password Manager saves the following information to the entry:
- Website name. Use a meaningful website name to quickly find the website that you want to edit or log in to.
- Website address. Kaspersky Password Manager uses this field to recognize a website's sign-in page and offer accounts you can use to sign in.
- Accounts. You can save multiple accounts for a website. For example, you might have personal and business email addresses from the same email provider.
You can open websites from Kaspersky Password Manager. The app opens the website in its safe browser, automatically enters your login and password, and signs you in to the website. You can also open websites in Chrome and fill out the login and password fields using the Kaspersky Password Manager extension.
On devices running Android 5.0 or later, Kaspersky Password Manager can automatically fill in logins and passwords only in Chrome. To allow this you must turn on the accessibility features in Chrome. If your device is running Android 6.0 or later, enable the extension to allow windows to be displayed over other apps. On certain devices (for example, Xiaomi), you might be prompted to do this on Android 5.0 or later.
You can add, edit, or remove website accounts and copy them to the clipboard. You can organize your entries by selecting them and moving them into a folder.
Page topAbout the safe browser
Kaspersky Password Manager includes a safe browser. In this browser, the app automatically signs you in to websites using your website accounts. The Kaspersky Password Manager safe browser verifies website certificates and protects your data from being intercepted.
Page topAdd a website account
Add a website account from the Kaspersky Password Manager window
Add a website account from a browser window
You can generate a strong password for a website account while adding it from the Kaspersky Password Manager window.
Generate a strong password while adding a web account
You can save multiple accounts for signing in to the same website. When you visit a website using Chrome, Kaspersky Password Manager prompts you to choose the account you want to use to sign in from the list of available accounts. If you sign in to a website added to Kaspersky Password Manager with a login that has not yet been added to Kaspersky Password Manager, the app automatically recognizes the login as new and prompts you to add another account for the website. If you sign in to a website with an existing login but a new password, Kaspersky Password Manager prompts you to save the new password for the existing account.
Page topEdit a website entry
- Unlock the vault by entering the master password and tapping Unlock.
If your device is running Android 6.0 or later, supports fingerprint authentication, and fingerprint authentication is enabled in the app settings, you can use it to unlock your vault instead of entering the master password.
- In the main app window, tap
or swipe the screen to the right.
The quick access bar appears on the left.
- On the quick access bar, tap Websites.
- In the Websites window, select the entry that you want to edit.
- Tap
> Edit.
The entry window opens.
- Change a previously added account or add a new one.
- Tap Save.
Autofill forms and automatic sign in to websites
When you visit a website, Kaspersky Password Manager searches for accounts that you have saved for that website. Based on the search results and your current settings, Kaspersky Password Manager may either sign you in, offer accounts to choose from, or prompt you to create a new account:
- If there is one account for the website, Kaspersky Password Manager fills out the login and password.
- If there are multiple accounts for the website, Kaspersky Password Manager prompts you to choose the account that you want to sign in with.
- If there are no accounts for the website, Kaspersky Password Manager prompts you to add one.
On devices running Android 5.0 or later, Kaspersky Password Manager can automatically fill in logins and passwords only in Chrome. To allow this you must turn on the accessibility features in Chrome. If your device is running Android 6.0 or later, enable the extension to allow windows to be displayed over other apps. On certain devices (for example, Xiaomi), you might be prompted to do this on Android 5.0 or later.
Open and automatically sign in to a website from the Kaspersky Password Manager window
Sign in to a website using the browser extension
Page topCopy data from a website account
- Unlock the vault by entering the master password and tapping Unlock.
If your device is running Android 6.0 or later, supports fingerprint authentication, and fingerprint authentication is enabled in the app settings, you can use it to unlock your vault instead of entering the master password.
- In the main app window, tap
or swipe the screen to the right.
The quick access bar appears on the left.
- On the quick access bar, tap Websites.
- In the Websites window, expand a website entry whose data you want to copy.
- If you want to copy a particular record, tap
next to it.
- If you want to copy all data saved for the entry, tap
> Copy all.
Kaspersky Password Manager copies the following data to the clipboard:
- The website entry name
- The website address
- For each account added to the entry, the account name, login, password, and comment
- If you want to copy a particular record, tap
Kaspersky Password Manager keeps the copied data in the clipboard for the period specified in the Kaspersky Password Manager settings.
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