Configuring and running an on-demand scan

The application runs an on-demand scan of those mailboxes and shared folders that are specified in the Scan scope field.

To configure and run an on-demand scan:

  1. In the Management Console tree, expand the node of the relevant Security Server.
  2. Select the Server protection node.
  3. In the workspace, on the Protection for the Mailbox role tab, expand the On-demand scan configuration section.
  4. If you want the application to scan the message body during an on-demand scan, select the Scan message text check box.
  5. If you want the application to scan only messages received over a specified time interval before the start of an on-demand scan, select the Scan recent messages only check box and specify the number of days in the Scan messages received before background scan start but not earlier than (days) before field.

    In a configuration with a Microsoft Exchange 2013 or Microsoft Exchange 2016 server, the application runs an on-demand scan of messages and other Microsoft Exchange objects that were modified (including those received) during the specified number of days before the start of the on-demand scan.

    Maximum parameter value is 364 days.

  6. If you want to limit the time taken by an on-demand scan, select the Limit the scan time check box and specify the maximum duration of the on-demand scan in the Stop scan in (hours) field. The application will stop an on-demand scan if it runs longer than the specified time.

    The maximum value of this setting is 168 hours.

  7. Specify the mailboxes and shared folders that you want to scan in the Scan scope field. Perform the following actions:
    1. Click the kse90mr2_select_button button.
    2. In the Scan scope window, perform one of the following actions:
      • If you want to add a mailbox in the Scan scope field, click the Add user button and add the user whose mailbox you want to scan.
      • If you want to add a shared folder in the Scan scope field, click the Add public folder button and select the check boxes opposite the folders that you want to scan.

        In a configuration using a Microsoft Exchange 2010 server, the application does not generate a list of shared folders. On-demand scan in shared folders is not available.

    3. Click OK.
  8. Click the Save button.
  9. If you want to run an on-demand scan, click the Start scan button.

    The stop button is displayed while an on-demand scan is running.

    An indicator of the progress and stages of scan completion is displayed while an on-demand scan is running (Preparing for scan, Step 1 of 2. Scanning mailboxes, Step 2 of 2. Scanning shared folders). When the operation is complete, the application displays a scan report (completion time, number of mailboxes and public folders scanned, and number of infected or password-protected objects in mailboxes and public folders).

  10. To stop an on-demand scan before it is complete, click the Stop button.

    The on-demand scan start and stop actually occur within a minute after the Start scan/Stop button is clicked.

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