On-demand scan

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On-demand scanning allows you to scan all (or specific) files stored on SharePoint for viruses and unwanted content. The application runs scans through scan tasks. Each task covers specific SharePoint websites, defines the scan criteria and the application's actions on detection of a virus or unwanted content. You can run the scan task manually or set up the automatic run of the task upon a schedule. The application can run multiple on-demand scan tasks concurrently. The application runs scan tasks in background mode. The application generates a report with the results of each task.

In the workspace of the On-demand scan node, you can add scan tasks and configure them, run the scan, and view reports on the scan results.








See also

About on-demand scanning

Use these settings for the following tasks

Creating an on-demand scan task

Starting and stopping on-demand scan tasks

Viewing an on-demand scan task report

Deleting an on-demand scan task

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