Preparing to install

Before preparing your computer for Kaspersky Security installation, make sure that the hardware and software on your computer meet the requirements for the Security Server and Administration Console.

To prepare your computer for Kaspersky Security installation:

  1. Install all of the components required for the Kaspersky Security operation (if they are still missing):
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
    • Microsoft Management Console 3.0 (MMC 3.0).

    You can download these components by clicking the link in the welcome window of the Kaspersky Security installation package, and then install them. The computer must be restarted after Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installation. Continuing the application installation without restart may cause failures in the Kaspersky Security operation.

    If Microsoft SharePoint Server is not installed on the computer, the application prompts you to install Management Console alone. In this case, the Security Server and the DLP Module cannot be installed on this computer.

  2. Create an account to run Kaspersky Security services and grant it all the relevant rights.
  3. Create an account under which Kaspersky Security installation will be run, and grant it all the relevant rights.

    If no access rights for the SharePoint_Config and SharePoint_AdminContent_<GUID> databases are provided, the anti-virus settings of the SharePoint server cannot be defined. At the final stage of the installation, when the files are being copied and the components registered, an error message appears. When the error message appears, click the Ignore button in the dialog box and, when the installation finishes, reboot the ISS server using the command iisreset / restart.

  4. If necessary, create a database manually to store Backup configuration files and data.

    You can also use the databases created during the previous installation of Kaspersky Security. In this case, no additional actions are required.

    If the account intended to handle the SQL database has been assigned the sysadmin role on the SQL server on which the database is to be created, you can skip this step. If these rights have been granted, the database will be created by the Application Installation Wizard automatically.

    Kaspersky Security does not provide channel encryption during data transmission between the server and the SQL database. To secure your data, manually encrypt data to be transmitted over communication channels.

  5. Create an account for SQL database preparation and grant it all the relevant rights.
  6. In Active Directory, create groups for role-based access to Kaspersky Security features. These groups can be created in any of the organization's domains. The group type is "Universal". Group names:
    • KSH Administrators
    • KSH Security Officers

    If the account under which Kaspersky Security is to be installed, has the rights to create groups in Active Directory, you can skip this step. The groups will be created automatically during the application installation.

  7. Create an account for managing Kaspersky Security and grant it all the relevant rights.

    Kaspersky Security cannot be managed without those rights.

    Management Console connects to the Security Server over TCP using port 5014. The port must remain open to allow management of the Security Server.

Upon finishing your installation preparations, you can proceed to Kaspersky Security installation.

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