Under Database update source, select a database update source:
Database update source.
Kaspersky update servers.
Custom HTTP or FTP servers or network folders.
If you want to enable the Use Kaspersky update servers if specified servers are not available setting, select the check box to the left of the setting name.
If you selected the Kaspersky update servers database update source and you want to use a proxy server to update the database, under Update source connection settings, select the Use proxy server settings to connect to Kaspersky update servers check box.
If you selected the Custom HTTP or FTP servers or network folders database update source:
Click Custom HTTP or FTP servers or network folders to open the Update servers window.
Add update servers to the list:
Click Update servers.
In the new string, enter the IP address of the update server.
If you want to use the server for updating the databases, select the check box next to its IP address. You can also add servers to the list and clear the check boxes next to IP addresses of servers that you do not want to use right now but plan to use in the future.
Do the same to add each server.
Click OK.
The Update servers window closes.
If you want to use a proxy server to connect to the update servers, under Update source connection settings, select the Use proxy server settings to connect to other servers check box and click Next.
Under Tasks schedule, select the Run by schedule check box.
In the Frequency list, select a scheduling option for the task: At specified time, Every hour, Every day, every week, On application launch, or After the application database update.
If you chose to run the database update task At specified time, under Run by schedule, specify the date and time when you want it to run.
If you chose to run the database update task Every hour, Every day, or every week, under Run by schedule, configure the task running settings:
In the Every select how frequently you want the task to run. For example, 1 time per day or 2 times per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
In the Start time and Start date lists, select the date and time when the schedule becomes active.
If you want to configure advanced settings of the schedule, click Advanced and in the Advanced window, do the following:
If you want to configure maximum timeout for the database update task, select the Quit task, running longer than check box and enter the number of hours and minutes after which the task will automatically terminate.
If you want to inactivate the database update task schedule after a certain date, select the Cancel schedule from check box and enter the end date of the schedule.
If you want the application to run missed database update tasks at the earliest opportunity, select the Run missed tasks check box.
If you want to prevent many workstations accessing the Administration Server at the same time by running tasks randomly within a certain time frame rather than on a schedule, select the Allowed randomization interval check box and enter the time period in minutes.