The settings of an installation package of a third-party application are grouped on the following tabs:
Only a part of the settings listed below are displayed by default so you can add the corresponding columns by clicking the Filter button and selecting relevant column names from the list.
General tab:
Entry field that contains the name of the installation package that can be edited manually
If this option is enabled, before installing an update the application automatically installs all general system components (prerequisites) that are required to install the update. For example, these prerequisites can be operating system updates.
If this option is disabled, you may have to install the prerequisites manually.
By default, this option is disabled.
Table that displays the update properties and containing the following columns:
The Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) category displayed for Microsoft updates (Critical Updates, Definition Updates, Drivers, Feature Packs, Security Updates, Service Packs, Tools, Update Rollups, Updates, or Upgrade).
Displays whether the update has the Not installed status.
Settings tab that displays the installation package settings—with their names, descriptions, and values—used as command-line parameters during installation. If the package provides no such settings, the corresponding message is displayed. You can modify the values of these settings.
Revision history tab that displays the installation package revisions and containing the following columns: