In Kaspersky Security Center 13, the idle time of Administration Server during backup has been reduced as compared to earlier versions. Moreover, the Use file system snapshot for data backup feature has been added to the task settings. This feature provides additional idle reduction by using the klbackup utility, which creates a shadow copy of the disk during backup (this takes a few seconds) and simultaneously copies the database (this takes a few minutes at longest). When klbackup creates a shadow copy of the disk and a copy of the database, the utility makes the Administration Server connectible again.
You can use the file system snapshotting feature only if these two conditions are met:
Do not use the feature if either of these conditions cannot be met. In this case, the application would return an error message in response to any attempt to create a file system snapshot.
To use the feature, you must have an account that has been granted the permission to create snapshots of the logical disk storing the %ALLUSERSPROFILE% folder. Note that the Administration Server service account has no such permission.
To use the file system snapshotting feature in order to reduce the backup duration:
At any further startup of the backup task, the klbackup utility will create file system snapshots thus reducing the Administration Server idle time during the task run.
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