Security recommendations for third-party information systems

Security recommendations from CIS Benchmarks

When using versions of operating systems, virtualization platforms, or database servers supported by Administration Server and Network Agent, we recommend applying the best information security practices from the Center for Internet Security (CIS), if any, to fine-tune these information systems.

Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving security in the field of information technology. In particular, CIS develops and distributes safety standards such as CIS Controls and CIS Benchmarks. These standards are a set of recommendations and practices for ensuring the security of information systems.

The CIS portal contains recommendations for the versions of the following information systems supported by Administration Server and Network Agent:

Security recommendations for the Astra Linux operating system

When using the Astra Linux operating system, you should follow the security recommendations described in the Red Book for the corresponding version of Astra Linux.

Security recommendations for the RED OS operating system

When using the RED OS operating system, you should use the security recommendations described in the official RED OS documentation.

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