Preparing a device running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 for installation of Network Agent

To install Network Agent on a device with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 operating system:

Before the Network Agent installation, run the following command:

$ sudo zypper install insserv-compat

This enables you to install the insserv-compat package and configure Network Agent properly.

Run the rpm -q insserv-compat command to check whether the package is already installed.

If your network includes a lot of devices running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15, you can use the special software for configuring and managing the company infrastructure. By using this software, you can automatically install the insserv-compat package on all necessary devices at once. For example, you can use Puppet, Ansible, Chef, you can make your own script—use any method that is convenient for you.

After preparing the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 device, deploy and install Network Agent.

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