
This section describes installation of Kaspersky Security Center Linux and Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

In this section

Main installation scenario

Configuring the MariaDB x64 server for working with Kaspersky Security Center Linux

Configuring the MySQL x64 server for working with Kaspersky Security Center Linux

Configuring the PostgreSQL or Postgres Pro server for working with Kaspersky Security Center Linux

Installing Kaspersky Security Center Linux

Installing Kaspersky Security Center Linux in silent mode

Installing Kaspersky Security Center Linux on Astra Linux in the closed software environment mode

Installing Kaspersky Security Center Web Console

Kaspersky Security Center Web Console installation parameters

Installing Kaspersky Security Center Web Console on Astra Linux in the closed software environment mode

Installing Kaspersky Security Center Web Console connected to Administration Server installed on Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster nodes

Installing Network Agent for Linux in silent mode (with an answer file)

Preparing a device running Astra Linux in the closed software environment mode for installation of Network Agent

Deployment of the Kaspersky Security Center Linux failover cluster

Accounts for working with the DBMS

Certificates for work with Kaspersky Security Center Linux

Defining a shared folder

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