Backing up and restoring web plug-ins

Kaspersky Security Center 14 Web Console allows you to back up the current state of a web plug-in to be able to restore the saved state later. For example, you can back up a web plug-in before updating it to a newer version. After the update, if the newer version does not meet your requirements or expectations, you can restore the previous version of the web plug-in from the backup.

To back up web plug-ins:

  1. In the main menu, go to Settings → Web plug-ins.
  2. In the Web plug-ins section, select the web plug-ins that you want to back up, and then click the Create backup copy button.

The selected web plug-ins are backed up. You can view the created backups in the Backups section.

To restore a web plug-in from a backup:

  1. In the main menu, go to Settings → Backups.
  2. In the Backups section, select the backup of the web plug-in that you want to restore, and then click the Restore from backup button.

The web plug-in is restored from the selected backup.

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