When you configure the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task, you can create a rule that requires a specific status of updates that are to be installed. For example, an update rule can allow installation of the following:
You can approve updates that must be installed and decline updates that must not be installed.
The use of the Approved status to manage update installation is efficient for a small number of updates. To install multiple updates, use the rules that you can configure in the properties of the Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task. We recommend that you set the Approved status for only those updates that do not meet the criteria specified in the rules. When you manually approve a large number of updates, the performance of the Administration Server decreases, which may lead to an overload of the Administration Server.
To approve or decline one or several updates:
The list of available updates appears.
The default status of an update is Undefined.
The selected updates have the statuses that you defined.
As an option, you can change the approval status in the properties of a specific update.
To approve or decline an update in its properties:
The list of available updates appears.
The update properties window opens.
The selected update has the status that you defined.
If you set the Declined status for third-party software updates, these updates will not be installed on devices for which they were planned but have not yet been installed. Updates will remain on devices on which they were already installed. If necessary, you can manually delete them locally.