Ignoring software vulnerabilities

You can ignore software vulnerabilities to be fixed. The reasons to ignore software vulnerabilities might be, for example, the following:

You can ignore a software vulnerability on all managed devices or only on selected managed devices.

To ignore a software vulnerability on all managed devices:

  1. In the main menu, go to Operations → Patch management → Software vulnerabilities.

    A list of software vulnerabilities in the applications detected on managed devices is displayed.

  2. In the list of software vulnerabilities, click the link with the name of the software vulnerability you want to ignore.

    The software vulnerability properties window opens.

  3. On the General tab, enable the Ignore vulnerability option.
  4. Click the Save button.

    The software vulnerability properties window closes.

The software vulnerability is ignored on all managed devices.

To ignore a software vulnerability on a selected managed device:

  1. In the main menu, go to Assets (Devices) → Managed devices.

    The list of managed devices is displayed.

  2. In the list of managed devices, click the link with the name of the device on which you want to ignore a software vulnerability.

    The device properties window is opened.

  3. In the device properties window, select the Advanced tab.
  4. In the left pane, select the Software vulnerabilities section.

    The list of software vulnerabilities detected on the device is displayed.

  5. In the list of software vulnerabilities, select the vulnerability you want to ignore on the selected device.

    The software vulnerability properties window opens.

  6. In the software vulnerability properties window, on the General tab, enable the Ignore vulnerability option.
  7. Click the Save button.

    The software vulnerability properties window closes.

  8. Close the device properties window.

The software vulnerability is ignored on the selected device.

The ignored software vulnerability will not be fixed after the completion of the Fix vulnerabilities task or Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities task. You can exclude ignored software vulnerabilities from the list of vulnerabilities by using a filter.

See also:

Scenario: Finding and fixing third-party software vulnerabilities

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