The total size of data unpacked during creation of a custom installation package is limited. The default limit is 1 GB.
If you attempt to upload an archive file that contains data exceeding the current limit, an error message is displayed. You might have to increase this limit value when creating installation packages from large distribution packages.
To change the limit value for the custom installation package size:
klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n MaxArchivePkgSize -t d -v <
number of bytes
klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n MaxArchivePkgSize -t d -v <
number of bytes
> --stp klfoc
Where <number of bytes> is a number of bytes in hexadecimal or decimal format.
For example, if the required limit is 2 GB, you can specify the decimal value 2147483648 or the hexadecimal value 0x80000000. In this case, for a local installation of Administration Server, you can use the following command:
klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n MaxArchivePkgSize -t d -v 2147483648
The limit on the size of custom installation package data is changed.
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