Viewing information about the detects of threats

You can enable or disable displaying information about alerts.

Ensure that you add a license key for EDR Optimum to view information about the detects of threats on the endpoint devices.

To enable or disable displaying the Alerts section in the main menu:

  1. In the main menu, go to your account settings, and then select Interface options.
  2. Enable or disable the Show EDR alerts option.
  3. Click Save.

When the option is enabled, the console displays the Alerts subsection in the Monitoring & reporting section of the main menu. In the Alerts subsection, you can view information about the detects of threats on the endpoint devices. Also, you can add a widget that displays information about alerts. Also, if you installed the plug-in EDR Optimum, you can view detailed information about detected threats by clicking more details link.

Use the Filter menu to filter alerts by date and field values.

The Object type field contains the following values:

The Automatic response field contains the following values:

See also:

Scenario: Monitoring and reporting

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