Network Agent policy settings
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To configure the Network Agent policy:
- In the main menu, go to Assets (Devices) → Policies & profiles.
- Click the name of the Network Agent policy.
The properties window of the Network Agent policy opens. The properties window contains the tabs and settings described below.
See the comparison table detailing how the settings below apply, depending on the type of operating system used.
On this tab, you can modify the policy name, policy status, and specify the inheritance of policy settings:
- In the Name field, you can modify the policy name.
- In the Policy status block, you can select one of the following policy modes:
- Active
If this option is selected, the policy becomes active.
By default, this option is selected.
- Inactive
If this option is selected, the policy becomes inactive, but it is still stored in the Policies folder. If required, the policy can be activated.
- In the Settings inheritance settings group, you can configure the policy inheritance:
- Inherit settings from parent policy
If this option is enabled, the policy setting values are inherited from the upper-level group policy and, therefore, are locked.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Force inheritance of settings in child policies
If this option is enabled, after policy changes are applied, the following actions will be performed:
- The values of the policy settings will be propagated to the policies of administration subgroups, that is, to the child policies.
- In the Settings inheritance block of the General section in the properties window of each child policy, the Inherit settings from parent policy option will be automatically enabled.
If this option is enabled, the child policies settings are locked.
By default, this option is disabled.
Event configuration
On this tab, you can configure event logging and event notification. Events are distributed according to importance level in the following sections:
- Functional failure
- Warning
- Info
In each section, the list shows the types of events and the default event storage period on the Administration Server (in days). After you click the event type, you can specify the settings of event logging and notifications about events selected in the list. By default, common notification settings specified for the entire Administration Server are used for all event types. However, you can change specific settings for the required event types.
For example, in the Warning section, you can configure the Security issue has occurred event type. Such events may happen, for instance, when the free disk space of a distribution point is less than 2 GB (at least 4 GB are required to install applications and download updates remotely). To configure the Security issue has occurred event, click it and specify where to store the occurred events and how to notify about them.
If the Network Agent detects a security issue, you can manage this issue by using the settings of a managed device.
Application settings
In the Settings section, you can configure the Network Agent policy:
- Distribute files through distribution points only
If this option is enabled, Network Agents on managed devices retrieve updates from distribution points only.
If this option is disabled, Network Agents on managed devices retrieve updates from distribution points or from Administration Server.
Note that the security applications on managed devices retrieve updates from the source set in the update task for each security application. If you enable the Distribute files through distribution points only option, make sure that Kaspersky Security Center Linux is set as an update source in the update tasks.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Maximum size of event queue, in MB
In this field you can specify the maximum space on the drive that an event queue can occupy.
The default value is 2 megabytes (MB).
- Application is allowed to retrieve policy's extended data on device
Network Agent installed on a managed device transfers information about the applied security application policy to the security application (for example, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux). You can view the transferred information in the security application interface.
Network Agent transfers the following information:
- Protect the Network Agent service against unauthorized removal or termination, and prevent changes to the settings
When this option is enabled, after Network Agent is installed on a managed device, the component cannot be removed or reconfigured without required privileges. The Network Agent service cannot be stopped. This option has no effect on domain controllers.
Enable this option to protect Network Agent on workstations operated with local administrator rights.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Use uninstallation password
If this option is enabled, by clicking the Modify button you can specify the password for the klmover utility and Network Agent remote uninstallation on Windows-based devices.
By default, this option is disabled.
In the Repositories section, you can select the types of objects whose details will be sent from Network Agent to Administration Server:
- Details of installed applications
If this option is enabled, information about applications installed on client devices is sent to the Administration Server.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Include information about patches
Information about patches of applications installed on client devices is sent to the Administration Server. Enabling this option may increase the load on the Administration Server and DBMS, as well as cause increased volume of the database.
By default, this option is enabled. It is available only for Windows.
- Details of Windows Update updates
If this option is enabled, information about Microsoft Windows Update updates that must be installed on client devices is sent to the Administration Server.
By default, this option is enabled. It is available only for Windows.
- Details of software vulnerabilities and corresponding updates
If this option is enabled, information about vulnerabilities in third-party software (including Microsoft software), detected on managed devices, and about software updates to fix third-party vulnerabilities (not including Microsoft software) is sent to the Administration Server.
Selecting this option (Details of software vulnerabilities and corresponding updates) increases the network load, Administration Server disk load, and Network Agent resource consumption.
By default, this option is enabled. It is available only for Windows.
To manage software updates of Microsoft software, use the Details of Windows Update updates option.
- Hardware registry details
Network Agent installed on a device sends information about the device hardware to the Administration Server. You can view the hardware details in the device properties.
Ensure that the lshw utility is installed on Linux devices from which you want to fetch hardware details. Hardware details fetched from virtual machines may be incomplete depending on the hypervisor used.
If modification of some settings in this section is prohibited by the Network Agent policy, you cannot modify these settings.
Software updates and vulnerabilities
In the Software updates and vulnerabilities section, you can enable scanning of executable files for vulnerabilities:
Restart management
In the Restart management section, you can specify the action to be performed if the operating system of a managed device has to be restarted for correct use, installation, or uninstallation of an application:
- Do not restart the operating system
Client devices are not restarted automatically after the operation. To complete the operation, you must restart a device (for example, manually or through a device management task). Information about the required restart is saved in the task results and in the device status. This option is suitable for tasks on servers and other devices where continuous operation is critical.
- Restart the operating system automatically if necessary
Client devices are always restarted automatically if a restart is required for completion of the operation. This option is useful for tasks on devices that provide for regular pauses in their operation (shutdown or restart).
- Prompt user for action
The restart reminder is displayed on the screen of the client device, prompting the user to restart it manually. Some advanced settings can be defined for this option: text of the message for the user, the message display frequency, and the time interval after which a restart will be forced (without the user's confirmation). This option is most suitable for workstations where users must be able to select the most convenient time for a restart.
By default, this option is selected.
- Repeat the prompt every (min)
If this option is enabled, the application prompts the user to restart the operating system with the specified frequency.
By default, this option is enabled. The default interval is 5 minutes. Available values are between 1 and 1440 minutes.
If this option is disabled, the prompt is displayed only once.
- Force restart after (min)
After prompting the user, the application forces restart of the operating system upon expiration of the specified time interval.
By default, this option is enabled. The default delay is 30 minutes. Available values are between 1 and 1440 minutes.
- Force closure of applications in blocked sessions
Running applications may prevent a restart of the client device. For example, if a document is being edited in a word processing application and is not saved, the application does not allow the device to restart.
If this option is enabled, such applications on a locked device are forced to close before the device restart. As a result, users may lose their unsaved changes.
If this option is disabled, a locked device is not restarted. The task status on this device states that a device restart is required. Users have to manually close all applications running on locked devices and restart these devices.
By default, this option is disabled.
Manage patches and updates
In the Manage patches and updates section, you can configure the download and distribution of updates, as well as the installation of patches, on managed devices:
- Automatically install applicable updates and patches for components that have the Undefined status
If this option is enabled, Kaspersky patches that have the Undefined approval status are automatically installed on managed devices immediately after they are downloaded from update servers.
If this option is disabled, Kaspersky patches that have been downloaded and tagged with the Undefined status will be installed only after you change their status to Approved.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Download updates and anti-virus databases from Administration Server in advance (recommended)
If this option is enabled, the offline model of update download is used. When the Administration Server receives updates, it notifies Network Agent (on devices where it is installed) of the updates that will be required for managed applications. When Network Agent receives information about these updates, it downloads the relevant files from the Administration Server in advance. At the first connection with Network Agent, the Administration Server initiates an update download. After Network Agent downloads all the updates to a client device, the updates become available for applications on that device.
When a managed application on a client device attempts to access Network Agent for updates, Network Agent checks whether it has all required updates. If the updates are received from the Administration Server not more than 25 hours before they were requested by the managed application, Network Agent does not connect to the Administration Server but supplies the managed application with updates from the local cache instead. Connection with the Administration Server may not be established when Network Agent provides updates to applications on client devices, but connection is not required for updating.
If this option is disabled, the offline model of update download is not used. Updates are distributed according to the schedule of the update download task.
By default, this option is enabled.
The Connectivity section includes three subsections:
- Network
- Connection profiles
- Connection schedule
In the Network subsection, you can configure the connection to Administration Server, enable the use of a UDP port, and specify the UDP port number.
- In the Connect to Administration Server settings group, you can configure connection to the Administration Server and specify the time interval for synchronization between client devices and the Administration Server:
- Synchronization interval (min)
Network Agent synchronizes the managed device with the Administration Server. We recommend that you set the synchronization interval (also referred to as the heartbeat) to 15 minutes per 10,000 managed devices.
If the synchronization interval is set to less than 15 minutes, synchronization is performed every 15 minutes. If synchronization interval is set to 15 minutes or more, synchronization is performed at the specified synchronization interval.
- Compress network traffic
If this option is enabled, the speed of data transfer by Network Agent is increased by means of a decrease in the amount of information being transferred and a consequent decreased load on the Administration Server.
The workload on the CPU of the client computer may increase.
By default, this check box is enabled.
- Open Network Agent ports in Microsoft Windows Firewall
If this option is enabled, the ports, necessary for the work of Network Agent, are added to the Microsoft Windows Firewall exclusion list.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Use SSL connection
If this option is enabled, connection to the Administration Server is established through a secure port via SSL.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Use the connection gateway on a distribution point (if available), under the default connection settings
If this option is enabled, the connection gateway on the distribution point is used under the settings specified in the administration group properties.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Use UDP port
If you need Network Agent to connect to Administration Server through a UDP port, enable the Use UDP port option and specify a UDP port number. By default, this option is enabled. The default UDP port to connect to Administration Server is 15000.
- UDP port number
In this field you can enter the UDP port number. The default port number is 15000.
The decimal system is used for records.
- Use distribution point to force connection to Administration Server
Select this option if you selected the Use this distribution point as a push server option in the distribution point settings window. Otherwise, the distribution point will not act as a push server.
In the Connection profiles subsection, you can specify the network location settings and enable out-of-office mode when Administration Server is not available:
- Network location settings
Network location settings define the characteristics of the network to which the client device is connected and specify rules for Network Agent switching from one Administration Server connection profile to another when those network characteristics are altered.
- Administration Server connection profiles
Connection profiles are supported only for devices running Windows.
You can view and add profiles for Network Agent connection to the Administration Server. In this section, you can also create rules for switching Network Agent to different Administration Servers when the following events occur:
- When the client device connects to a different local network
- When the device loses connection with the local network of the organization
- When the connection gateway address is changed or the DNS server address is modified
- Enable out-of-office mode when Administration Server is not available
If this option is enabled, in case of connection through this profile, applications installed on the client device use policy profiles for devices in out-of-office mode, as well as out-of-office policies. If no out-of-office policy has been defined for the application, the active policy will be used.
If this option is disabled, applications will use active policies.
By default, this option is disabled.
In the Connection schedule subsection, you can specify the time intervals during which Network Agent sends data to the Administration Server:
- Connect when necessary
If this option is selected, the connection is established when Network Agent has to send data to the Administration Server.
By default, this option is selected.
- Connect at specified time intervals
If this option is selected, Network Agent connects to the Administration Server at a specified time. You can add several connection time periods.
Network polling by distribution points
In the Network polling by distribution points section, you can configure automatic polling of the network. You can use the following options to enable the polling and set its frequency:
- IP ranges
If the option is enabled, the distribution point automatically polls IP ranges according to the schedule that you configured by clicking the Set polling schedule button.
If this option is disabled, the distribution point does not poll IP ranges.
The frequency of IP range polling for Network Agent versions prior to 10.2 can be configured in the Poll interval (min) field. The field is available if the option is enabled.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Zeroconf
If this option is enabled, the distribution point automatically polls the network with IPv6 devices by using zero-configuration networking (also referred to as Zeroconf). In this case, the enabled IP range polling is ignored, because the distribution point polls the whole network.
To start to use Zeroconf, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
- The distribution point must run Linux.
- You must install the avahi-browse utility on the distribution point.
If this option is disabled, the distribution point does not poll networks with IPv6 devices.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Domain controllers
If the option is enabled, the distribution point automatically polls domain controllers according to the schedule that you configured by clicking the Set polling schedule button.
If this option is disabled, the distribution point does not poll domain controllers.
The frequency of domain controller polling for Network Agent versions prior to 10.2 can be configured in the Poll interval (min) field. The field is available if this option is enabled.
By default, this option is disabled.
Network settings for distribution points
In the Network settings for distribution points section, you can specify the internet access settings:
- Use proxy server
- Address
- Port number
- Bypass proxy server for local addresses
If this option is enabled, no proxy server is used to connect to devices on the local network.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Proxy server authentication
If this check box is selected, in the entry fields you can specify the credentials for proxy server authentication.
By default, this check box is cleared.
KSN Proxy (distribution points)
In the KSN Proxy (distribution points) section, you can configure the application to use the distribution point to forward Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) requests from the managed devices:
- Enable KSN Proxy on the distribution point side
The KSN proxy service is run on the device that is used as a distribution point. Use this feature to redistribute and optimize traffic on the network.
The distribution point sends the KSN statistics, which are listed in the Kaspersky Security Network statement, to Kaspersky.
By default, this option is disabled. Enabling this option takes effect only if the Use Administration Server as a proxy server and I agree to use Kaspersky Security Network options are enabled in the Administration Server properties window.
You can assign a node of an active-passive cluster to a distribution point and enable KSN proxy server on this node.
- Forward KSN requests to Administration Server
The distribution point forwards KSN requests from the managed devices to the Administration Server.
By default, this option is enabled.
- Access KSN Cloud/KPSN directly over the internet
The distribution point forwards KSN requests from managed devices to the KSN Cloud or KPSN. The KSN requests generated on the distribution point itself are also sent directly to the KSN Cloud or KPSN.
- TCP port
The number of the TCP port that the managed devices will use to connect to KSN proxy server. The default port number is 13111.
- UDP port
If you need Network Agent to connect to Administration Server through a UDP port, enable the Use UDP port option and specify a UDP port number. By default, this option is enabled. The default UDP port to connect to Administration Server is 15000.
- HTTPS through port
If you need the managed devices to connect to the KSN proxy server through an HTTPS port, enable the Use HTTPS option, and then specify a port number in the HTTPS through port field. By default, this option is disabled. The default HTTPS port to connect to the KSN proxy server is 17111.
Updates (distribution points)
In the Updates (distribution points) section, you can enable the downloading diff files feature, so distribution points take updates in the form of diff files from Kaspersky update servers.
Local account management (Linux only)
The Local account management (Linux only) section includes three subsections:
- User certificates management
- Add or edit applicable local administrator groups
- Upload a reference file to protect the sudoers file on the user's device from changes
In the User certificates management subsection, you can specify which root certificates to install. These certificates can be used, for example, to verify the authenticity of websites or web servers.
- Install root certificates
If this option is enabled, certificates added to the table will be installed on the specified devices.
If this option is disabled, no certificates will be installed on the specified devices.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Add
Clicking this button opens a window, in which where you can add a certificate.
The certificate must be less than 10 MB.
Kaspersky Security Center supports certificates with CER, CRT, CERT, PEM, and KEY extensions.
In the Add or edit applicable local administrator groups subsection, you can manage local administrator groups. These groups are used, for example, when revoking local administrator rights. You can also check the list of privileged user accounts using the Report on privileged device users (Linux only).
- Add
Clicking this button opens a window, where you can add a local administrator group.
- Edit
Clicking this button opens a window, where you can edit the local administrator group.
This button is available if the check box next to the local administrator group is selected.
- Delete
Clicking this button deletes the selected local administrator group from the table.
This button is available if the check box next to the local administrator group is selected.
In the Upload a reference file to protect the sudoers file on the user's device from changes subsection, you can configure control of the sudoers file. Privileged groups and device users are defined by the sudoers file on the device. The sudoers file is located at /etc/sudoers
. You can upload a reference sudoers file to protect the sudoers file from changes. This will prevent unwanted changes to the sudoers file.
An invalid reference sudoers file may cause the user's device to malfunction.
- Control sudoers file
If this option is enabled, the sudoers file will be replaced by the current reference sudoers file.
If this option is disabled, the sudoers file will remain unchanged.
By default, this option is disabled.
- Reference sudoers file
This field displays the name of the uploaded reference sudoers file.
- Upload
Clicking this button opens a window, where you can upload a reference sudoers file.
- Current reference sudoers file
Clicking this button shows the contents of the current sudoers file.
Revision history
On the Revision history tab, you can:
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