Hierarchy of Administration Servers

Administration Servers can be arranged in a hierarchy. Each Administration Server can have several secondary Administration Servers (referred to as secondary Servers) on different nesting levels of the hierarchy. The nesting level for secondary Servers is unrestricted. The administration groups of the primary Administration Server will then include the client devices of all secondary Administration Servers. Thus, isolated and independent sections of networks can be managed by different Administration Servers which are in turn managed by the primary Server.

In a hierarchy, a Linux-based Administration Server can work both as a primary Server and as a secondary Server. The primary Linux-based Server can manage both Linux-based and Windows-based secondary Servers. A primary Windows-based Server can manage a secondary Linux-based Server.

Virtual Administration Servers are a particular case of secondary Administration Servers.

The hierarchy of Administration Servers can be used to do the following:

Each device included in the hierarchy of administration groups can be connected to one Administration Server only. You must independently monitor the connection of devices to Administration Servers. Use the feature for device search in administration groups of different Servers based on network attributes.

See also:

Hierarchy of Administration Servers: primary Administration Server and secondary Administration Server

Getting started

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