Step 2. Selecting an action to take

If you did not specify the previous password in the first step of the wizard or if the specified old password has not matched the passwords in the task properties, you must choose an action to take for the tasks found.

To choose an action for a task:

  1. Select the check box next to the task for which you want to choose an action.
  2. Perform one of the following:
    • To remove the password in the task properties, click 删除凭证.

      The task is switched to run under the default account.

    • To replace the password with a new one, click 即便旧密码错误或未指定也强制密码更改.
    • To cancel the password change, click 未选择操作.

The chosen actions are applied after you move to the next step of the wizard.

See also:

Starting the Change tasks password wizard

Step 1. Specifying credentials

Step 3. Viewing the results

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