Creating a device selection

To create a device selection:

  1. In the main menu, go to 资产(设备) → 设备分类.

    A page with a list of device selections is displayed.

  2. Click the 添加 button.

    The 设备分类设置 window opens.

  3. Enter the name of the new selection.
  4. Specify the group that contains the devices to be included in the device selection:
    • 查找任何设备—Searching for devices that meet the selection criteria and included in the 受管理设备 or 未分配的设备 group.
    • 查找受管理设备—Searching for devices that meet the selection criteria and included in the 受管理设备 group.
    • 查找未分配的设备—Searching for devices that meet the selection criteria and included in the 未分配的设备 group.

    You can enable the 包含来自从属管理服务器的数据 check box to enable searching for devices that meet the selection criteria and managed by secondary Administration Servers.

  5. Click the 添加 button.
  6. In the window that opens, specify conditions that must be met for including devices in this selection, and then click the 确定 button.
  7. Click the 保存 button.

The device selection is created and added to the list of device selections.

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