About Kaspersky announcements

The Kaspersky announcements section (监控和报告 → Kaspersky announcements) keeps you informed by providing information related to your version of Kaspersky Security Center Linux and the managed applications installed on the managed devices. Kaspersky Security Center Linux periodically updates the information in the section by removing outdated announcements and adding new information.

Kaspersky Security Center Linux shows only those Kaspersky announcements that relate to the currently connected Administration Server and the Kaspersky applications installed on the managed devices of this Administration Server. The announcements are shown individually for any type of Administration Server—primary, secondary, or virtual.

Administration Server must have an internet connection to receive Kaspersky announcements.

The announcements include information of the following types:

New information is divided into the following categories, according to importance:

  1. Critical info
  2. Important news
  3. Warning
  4. Info

When new information appears in the Kaspersky announcements section, Kaspersky Security Center Web Console displays a notification label that corresponds to the importance level of the announcements. You can click the label to view this announcement in the Kaspersky announcements section.

You can specify the Kaspersky announcements settings, including the announcement categories that you want to view and where to display the notification label. If you do not want to receive announcements, you can disable this feature.

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