About data provision
For the purpose of improving the quality of the app and analyzing user satisfaction, you agree to automatically provide the following information:
- Device operating system version
- Device firmware version
- Device model
- Free disk space
- Max RAM available for the app
- Used app RAM
- Free app RAM in the current heap
- Max free app RAM
- Application version
- Device language
- Functional mode
In order to discover new and difficult-to-detect information security threats and their sources, as well as intrusion threats; to promptly take measures to increase the security of the information being stored and processed using the Computer; and to receive information and advertising materials about information security, you agree to automatically provide the information listed below:
- Information about agreements accepted in the application:
- Agreement ID
- Agreement version ID
- Flag indicating whether the agreement was accepted
- Time when the flag indicating whether the agreement was accepted was modified
- Information provided in redirect links:
- Link purpose
- Product locale
- Product group
- Product version
- Operating system
- Device identifier
- Identifier of the service accessed by the product
- User ID
- My Kaspersky infrastructure accessed by the product
- Temporary token
- Flag indicating the type of target link
- License ID
- Partner name
To manage your Computer protection and acquired licenses via the My Kaspersky portal, you agree to automatically submit the following information:
- User’s email address
- User’s password
- Authorization context
- Captcha identifier
- Captcha type
- User’s reply to captcha
- Locale
- One-time password for two-factor authentication
- Unique user identifier on My Kaspersky
- Unique device identifier on the My Kaspersky portal
- Unique temporary device identifier on the My Kaspersky portal
- Region
- Flag indicating whether the user agrees to provide his / her e-mail address to receive personalized marketing offers
- Flag indicating whether Privacy Statement was accepted
- One-time password to connect the application automatically
- Activation code
- Application ID on My Kaspersky
- Application ID
- Application version
- Application locale
- General information about the user's device: unique device identifier on My Kaspersky, device’s network name, device type, operating system type, operating system version
- General information about licenses used in the application: license type, current license status, service information about license, activation error, license expiration date and time, feature array
- Device token type
- Service ID
- Unique ID of user-device binding on My Kaspersky
To provide you with the core functionality of the Software, you agree to automatically submit the following information:
- Product version
- Device ID
- Installation ID
- Product type
- Operating system type
- Operating system major version
- Operating system minor version
- Build number
- Processor type
- VPN installation identifier
- VPN license state
- Agreement ID
- Agreement version ID
- Flag indicating whether the agreement was accepted
- Time when the flag indicating whether the agreement was accepted was modified
- Wi-Fi network SSID
- SHA256 hash sum of the MAC address (BSSID) of the Wi-Fi access point
- MD5 hash sum of the MAC address (BSSID) of the Wi-Fi access point
- Authentication type
- Encryption type
- Hash (SHA256) of the device ID and BSSID
- Hash (SHA256) of the device ID and SSID
- Hash (SHA256) of the device ID, SSID, and BSSID
- Signal quality
- Connection types supported by the access point
- List of available Wi-Fi access points
- DHCP and DHCP IPv6 settings
- Captive portal URL
- Array of WPS parameters for WPS-enabled Wi-Fi access points
- URL address of the page with personal data removed
- URL protocol
- Port number
- Product type
- User identifier
- Parent URL address of the page with personal data removed
- Website URL
- Website IP address
- Website certificate hash
- Certificate type
- Certificate contents
- Application ID
- Unique identifier of the application installation
- Unique identifier of the update task launch
- Full application version
- Device identifier
- SHA-256 hash of the device (MAC + My Kaspersky user ID)
- Device name
- Device type
- Device manufacturer
- Operating system
- Detection technology
- Detection technology version
- Item name
- Date and time of the purchase
- Product package name
- Receipt name
- Purchase token
- Digital signature of the purchase
- Status of the purchase
- Link purpose
- Product locale
- Product group
- Product version
- Operating system
- Device identifier
- Identifier of the service accessed by the product
- User ID
- My Kaspersky infrastructure accessed by the product
- Temporary token
- Flag indicating the type of target link
- License ID
- Partner name
To increase in the effectiveness of protection provided by the Software against information and network security threats, you agree to automatically submit the following information:
- Information about installation:
- Product version
- Device ID
- Installation ID
- Product type
- Information about the operating system:
- Operating system type
- Operating system major version
- Operating system minor version
- Build number
- Processor type
- Information about the application installation event:
- Application identifier in Kaspersky Lab services
- Product locale
- Partner identifier for which the build was released
- Operating system type
- Operating system major version
- Operating system minor version
- Build number
- Device type, system value of device model
- Date and time of application first launch
- Device identifier
- Installation identifier
- Information about device firmware:
- Operating system
- Device model
- Build ID for displaying to the user
- Firmware fingerprint
- Firmware identifier
- Product/hardware manufacturer
- Full product name
- Build type, for example, "user" or "eng"
- Current development codename or the string "REL" for production builds
- Incremental number of the build
- Flag indicating whether the device is rooted
- Information about applications installed on user’s device:
- Production product version
- MD5 hash of the DEX file of the installed application
- MD5 hash of the APK file of the installed application
- Flag indicating whether the application is in the system catalog
- Flag indicating whether the application has Device Administrator rights
- Flag indicating whether the application is a default SMS messenger
- Flag indicating whether the application uses accessibility services
- Permissions granted dynamically to the application
- Name of the APK file that is being installed
- Path to the APK file that is being installed
- Package name (or bundle name) from AndroidManifest.xml
- Application version
- Application version from AndroidManifest.xml
- MD5 hash sum of the DEX file of the installed application
- MD5 hash sum of the APK file of the installed application
- Serial number of the certificate that was used to sign the APK file
- Issuer of the certificate that was used to sign the APK file
- Public key used to sign the APK file
- Hash of the certificate used to sign the APK file
- Date when the file was signed
- Date when the certificate was issued
- Date when the certificate expires
- Application verdict status
- Method used to get the application verdict
- Information about Wi-Fi networks:
- Wi-Fi network SSID
- SHA256 hash of the MAC address (BSSID) of the Wi-Fi access point
- MD5 hash of the MAC address (BSSID) of the Wi-Fi access point
- Flag indicating whether the device is plugged in
- Flag indicating whether a DNS name is available
- Device type
- Product version
- Product identifier
- Hash of the UID and BSSID
- Hash of the UID and SSID
- Hash of the UID, BSSID, and SSID
- List of available Wi-Fi access points
- Resulting security category of the network in the product
- Resulting publicity category of the network in the product
- DHCP settings
- Signal level
- Hash sum of the local IPv4 address
- Hash sum of the local IPv6 address
- Captive portal URL
- Local time when the connection was started
- Local time when the connection was interrupted
- Status of VPN client settings
- Connection types supported by the access point
- The set of authentication protocols supported by this configuration
- The set of group ciphers supported by this configuration
- The set of key management protocols supported by this configuration
- The set of pairwise ciphers for WPA supported by this configuration
- The set of security protocols supported by this configuration
- Authentication protocol used for the WPA-EAP connection
- Internal authentication protocol
- VPN session parameters:
- VPN session duration (in seconds)
- VPN server virtual location
- Product’s operation mode
- Reason for starting VPN session
- Incoming traffic volume
- Outgoing traffic volume
- Reason for session interruption
- Information about the quality of KSN services:
- KSN service identifier
- Statistics for successful packets
- Statistics for unsuccessful packets
- Statistics for packet time
- Statistics for packet number
- Number of connections from cache
- Number of successful connections
- Number of unsuccessful connections
- Number of successful transactions
- Number of unsuccessful transactions
- Time distribution of successful connections
- Time distribution of unsuccessful connections
- Time distribution of successful transactions
- Time distribution of unsuccessful transactions
- Service request identifier
- Number of service requests
- Number of service requests from cache
- Number of requests canceled because of network problems
- Number of requests canceled because of inactive service
- Number of requests canceled because of an invalid path
- Time distribution of successful requests
- Time distribution of canceled requests
- Time distribution of requests that timed out
- Time histogram
For marketing purposes, you agree to automatically provide the following information:
- Information about installation:
- Product version
- Device ID
- Installation ID
- Product type
- Result of VPN adaptive scenario:
- Adaptive scenario identifier
- Action to perform when adaptive scenario is activated
- User’s action
- VPN server virtual location
- Product’s operation mode
- Trigger for the adaptive scenario
- SHA256 hash of the VPN installation identifier and the trigger
- Information about application overlapping:
- Date of overlap
- Overlapping application information: application package name, APK file name, path to APK file without file name, classes.dex file MD5 hash, APK file MD5 hash
- Overlapped application information: application package name (for the overlapped application: if the advertisement is shown on an empty desktop, the value should be "launcher"), APK file name, path to APK file without file name, classes.dex file MD5 hash, APK file MD5 hash
- Width of the overlapping view
- Height of the overlapping view
- Width of the device screen
- Height of the device screen
For the purposes of allowing the Rightholder to create effective marketing and informational materials, you agree to automatically provide the following information to Google Analytics, AppsFlyer, Facebook, and Firebase:
- To Google Analytics:
- Application version, application name in Google service, and application ID in Google service
- Unique ID of the instance of application installation on the computer and information about the language (locale) of the device
- Computer screen resolution
- Name of the computer window or dialog that is active when data is submitted
- Time stamps of the start and end of the period during which the selected window or dialog was active
- Duration of the session during which the window was active
- Processor type
- Version of the protocol used to submit data to Google Analytics service
- ID of the event about which data is submitted
- IDs of application operations and the result of such operations
- User’s unique ID in Google services
- Name of the internal time variable
- Time zone
Data is forwarded to Google Analytics over a secure channel. Information about how data is processed in Google Analytics is published at: www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/.
- To AppsFlyer:
- Name and version of the installed Software, Software ID and installation date on the User's computer
- User’s computer information: computer manufacturer and model name, User’s computer name, unique ID, operating system version, information about the type of network connection, IP address, ID of Android operating system installation on the computer
- Mobile operator and region
- Information about the AppsFlyer SDK used in the Software: SDK version
- ID of Android operating system installation on the computer
- User’s unique ID in Google services
- Date, time and name of the event, about which data is sent, event parameter and currency code
- Protocol version
Data is forwarded to AppsFlyer over a secure channel. Information about how data is processed in AppsFlyer is published at: https://www.appsflyer.com/privacy-policy/.
- To Facebook:
- Software ID in Facebook
- ID of banner used to download the Software, date and timestamp
- Name of the installation package
- Advertising ID of banners the User has clicked
Data is forwarded to Facebook over a secure channel. Information about how data is processed in Facebook is published at: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.
- To Firebase:
- Information about the Software installed on the computer: version, name of the store where the application was obtained, timestamp of the first launch of the Software
- Information about in-app purchases: identifier and name of the application, currency and purchase amount
- Information on the use of the Software: event type, name of the blocked application, the flag indicating whether the application is added to the list of blocked applications, length of the PIN code
- Information about the User’s computer where the Software is installed: computer manufacturer name, type of computer, version and the language (locale) of the operating system, information about the application first opened in the last 7 days and the application first opened more than 7 days ago
- Advertising ID
- Information about the User: age category and gender, identifier of the country of residence, and list of interests
- Information about an application update or uninstallation
- Information about an operating system update
- Information about whether the user reset/cleared app data, removed all settings and sign-in data
- Information about whether the app crashed or threw an exception
- Information about whether a notification sent by Firebase Notifications was received while the app is in the foreground
- Information about whether a notification sent by Firebase Notifications was received by a device when the app is in the background
- Information about whether a user opened a notification sent by Firebase Notifications
- Information about whether a user dismissed a notification sent by Firebase Notifications
- Information about whether a user opened the app for the first time via a dynamic link
- Information about whether a user opened the app via a dynamic link
- Information about whether the app is updated to a new version via a dynamic link
- Event type and value
Data is forwarded to Firebase over a secure channel. Information about how data is processed in Firebase is published at: https://www.firebase.com/terms/privacy-policy.html.
To improve application performance, you agree to submit the following data to Crashlytics service automatically:
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