Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
[Topic 127057]

How to configure enabling VPN

By default, Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection does not enable VPN when connecting to insecure Wi-Fi networks.

To configure enabling VPN:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the main application window, click the VPN Menu button.
  3. Select SettingsSmart protection.
  4. Click the Settings button.

    The Smart protection window opens.

  5. In the On connection to insecure Wi-Fi networks section, select one of the following options:
    • Prompt to enable VPN. When you are connecting to an insecure Wi-Fi network, Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection displays a notification and prompts you to enable a secure connection based on recommendations by Kaspersky experts. These rules may be automatically updated without notifying the user. This option is selected by default.
    • Enable VPN. Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection enables a secure connection when you connect to an insecure Wi-Fi network.
    • Ignore. Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection does not display a notification and does not enable a secure connection when you are connecting to an insecure Wi-Fi network.
  6. Click the insecure link to go to the Which Wi-Fi networks to treat as insecure window.
  7. Select Wi-Fi networks upon connecting to which the application should enable VPN:
    • Not password protected networks. Such networks can never be treated as secure. The application always enables VPN upon connecting to such networks. This setting cannot be changed.
    • Networks with weak data encryption. Such networks may be under-protected because of weak encryption of transmitted data. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to enable VPN when connecting to networks that have weak data encryption.
    • Networks with common names. Networks with common names may be vulnerable because it is easier for hackers to figure out the password for such a network. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to enable VPN when connecting to networks that have common names.
    • Networks with WPS protocol enabled. WPS is a simplified protocol to create wireless networks. However, such networks cannot be treated as protected. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to enable VPN when connecting to networks that have the WPS protocol enabled.
    • Public networks. There are many people connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, and such networks may become the target of hackers. Often, public networks have a password which is easy to remember and easy to guess. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to enable VPN when connecting to public networks.

VPN may be briefly disabled in the following situations:

  • When network conditions are poor
  • When changing the virtual server
  • When connecting to another network
  • When roaming between Wi-Fi networks or access points
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[Topic 127062]

How to select Wi-Fi networks to treat as insecure

To select Wi-Fi networks to treat as insecure:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the main application window, click the VPN Menu button.
  3. Select SettingsSmart protection.
  4. Click the Settings button.

    The Smart protection window opens.

  5. Clicking the link When connecting to insecure Wi-Fi networks takes you to the Which Wi-Fi networks to treat as insecure window.
  6. Specify the settings that Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection will use to determine that a network is insecure:
    • Not password protected networks. In a network that is not password protected, data is transmitted on the air in a non-encrypted form, making it easy for hackers to intercept. By default, the application always prompts you to enable secure connection when connecting to a network that is not password protected. This setting cannot be changed.
    • Networks with weak data encryption. By exploiting weaknesses in the encryption algorithm, hackers can easily break the password of such a network and intercept your data. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to prompt you to enable a secure connection when connecting to networks that have weak data encryption.
    • Networks with common names. If a network name (SSID) is common, it will be easy for hackers to figure out the password for such a network, because there are compiled lists of possible password combinations, which can be quickly brute-forced. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to prompt you to enable a secure connection when connecting to networks that have common names.
    • Networks with WPS protocol enabled. The WPS protocol is frequently used to create Wi-Fi networks. However, its simplicity cannot guarantee security. Set the toggle to On if you want the application to prompt you to enable a secure connection when connecting to networks that use the WPS protocol.
    • Public networks. Public networks are frequently the target of hacking attacks, because they either are not password protected at all or have a known password (written on the wall or available in the Internet). Set the toggle to On if you want the application to prompt you to enable a secure connection when connecting to public networks.
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[Topic 155630]

How to configure VPN for selected Wi-Fi networks

If you regularly connect your device to a specific Wi-Fi network, you can preconfigure VPN settings for that network.

To configure VPN for selected Wi-Fi networks:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the main application window, click the VPN Menu button.
  3. Select SettingsSmart protection.
  4. Click the Settings button.

    The Smart protection window opens.

  5. Click the Known Wi-Fi networks button.

    This opens the Manage Wi-Fi networks window. Wi-Fi-networks to which you connected earlier are displayed in this window. If you have not connected to Wi-Fi networks, this list is empty.

  6. Select the Wi-Fi network for which you want to configure VPN settings.
  7. Click the Change button.

    This opens the Settings for <name of Wi-Fi network> window.

  8. In the Action on connection to the Wi-Fi network <name of Wi-Fi network> section, select an action for this network:
    • Not specified. When you connect a device to a Wi-Fi network, the application uses the general rules for Wi-Fi networks.
    • Enable VPN. When you connect a device to a Wi-Fi network, the application establishes a secure connection.
    • Ignore. When you connect a device to a Wi-Fi network, the application does not establish a secure connection.
  9. Click the Save button.
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[Topic 127063]

Configuring VPN for website categories

By default, Kaspersky VPN does not establish a secure connection when you open websites in a browser. You can configure activation of VPN for different website categories if Kaspersky Plus is installed and activated on your computer. For example, you can specify that VPN must be enabled when you visit websites of payment systems or social networks.

To configure VPN for website categories:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the main application window, click the VPN Menu button.
  3. Select SettingsWebsites.
  4. Click the Settings button.

    The Rules for connection to websites window opens.

  5. Select website category:
    • Banking websites. This category includes websites of banks.
    • Payment systems. This category includes websites of payment systems.
    • Internet shops with online payment. This category includes websites of online retailers with built-in payment systems.
    • Social networks. This category includes websites of social networks.
  6. Select an action triggered by visiting this website category:
    • Enable VPN. The application will activate VPN when visiting websites of this category.
    • Ask. When visiting any website in this category, the application will ask you whether a secure connection should be established for this website. In the browser window, choose the appropriate action and select the Remember my choice for this website check box. The application will perform the chosen action every time you visit this website. If the check box is not selected, the application remembers your choice for one hour.
    • Ignore. The application will not establish a secure connection when visiting websites of this category.
  7. If the Enable VPN option is selected, in the Choose VPN server drop-down list, specify the region and city through which you want to establish a secure connection for this website category.
  8. Select the Notify when enabled check box if you want to receive notifications about a secure connection being enabled when you visit this category of websites.

By default, Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection does not prompt you to enable VPN if the HTTPS protocol is used to connect to a website.

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[Topic 127064]

How to configure VPN for a selected website

You can configure a secure connection for a selected website if Kaspersky Plus is installed and activated on your computer.

To configure VPN for a selected website:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the main application window, click the VPN Menu button.
  3. Select SettingsWebsites.
  4. Click the Settings button.

    The Rules for connection to websites window opens.

  5. In the Exclusions for websites section, click the Settings button.

    The Exclusions for websites window opens.

  6. Click the Add button to add a website to the list of exclusions from the settings that are specified for website categories.

    The Add website window opens.

  7. Enter the website address in the Web address (URL) field.
  8. In the Action to take when the website is accessed section, specify which action the application must take when you visit this website:
    • Enable VPN. Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection enables VPN when you visit the specified website. For example, you can configure the application to enable VPN when you visit the website of your bank. This setting is applied even if the Ignore option is selected in the When browsing unsecured websites of banks section in the Rules for connection to websites window.
      1. In the Choose VPN server drop-down list, select the region and city through which you want to establish a secure connection when visiting this website. If the region selected for VPN for the website differs from the region or the city selected for the website category to which the website belongs, connection to the website will be established through the region or the city that is specified for this website and not for the website category.
      2. Select the Notify when enabled check box if you want to receive notifications about VPN being enabled when you visit this website.
    • Ignore. Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection does not enable VPN when you visit the specified website.
  9. Click the Add button.

Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection does not enable VPN if the HTTPS protocol is used to connect to a website.

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[Topic 128180]