Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection

How to install the application

Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection is installed separately or as part of Kaspersky Plus.

If Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection is installed as part of Kaspersky Plus, you do not have to take any additional actions, the application will be automatically installed to your computer.

If you install Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection separately, installation is performed with the help of the Wizard.

The Wizard consists of a series of pages (steps), which you can navigate through by clicking the Back and Next buttons. To close the Wizard after it finishes, click the Done button. To stop the Wizard's activity at any step of installation, close the Wizard window.

The number and sequence of steps in the Setup Wizard depend on the region where you install the application. In some application versions, the Wizard prompts you to accept additional agreements regarding how your personal data is processed.

How to install Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection from Kaspersky Plus

To install Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection from Kaspersky Plus:

  1. Open the main window of Kaspersky Plus.
  2. Go to the Privacy section.
  3. Click the Download and install button. If you have previously downloaded Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection, only the Install button is available.
  4. Follow the wizard's instructions.

In this Help section

Step 1. Checking for a newer version of the application

Step 2. Starting installation of the application

Step 3. Reviewing the End User License Agreement

Step 4. Kaspersky Security Network Statement

Step 5. Installation

Step 6. Completing installation

Installing the application from the command prompt

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[Topic 127345]

Step 1. Checking for a newer version of the application

Before installation, the Setup Wizard checks the update servers of Kaspersky for a newer version of Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection.

If the Setup Wizard does not detect a newer version of the application on Kaspersky update servers, it starts installing the current version.

If the Setup Wizard detects a newer version of Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection on Kaspersky update servers, it prompts you to download and install it on your computer.

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[Topic 127346]

Step 2. Starting installation of the application

During this step, the Setup Wizard offers to install the application.

To proceed with installation, click the Continue button.

Depending on the installation type and the localization language, during this step the Setup Wizard may prompt you to view the License Agreement concluded between you and Kaspersky, as well as ask whether you want to participate in Kaspersky Security Network.

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[Topic 127348]

Step 3. Reviewing the End User License Agreement

This step of the Setup Wizard is displayed for some localization languages when installing Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection from an installation package downloaded from the Internet.

During this step, the Setup Wizard asks you to review the End User License Agreement concluded between you and Kaspersky.

Read the End User License Agreement thoroughly and, if you agree with all of its terms, click the Accept button. Installation of the application to your computer then continues.

If the terms of the End User License Agreement are not accepted, the application will not be installed.

In some application versions, you must also accept the terms of the Privacy Policy to continue installation.

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[Topic 127349]

Step 4. Kaspersky Security Network Statement

During this step, the Setup Wizard invites you to participate in Kaspersky Security Network. Participation in the program involves sending information about threats detected on your computer, running applications, and downloaded signed applications, as well as information about your operating system, to AO Kaspersky Lab. No personal data received from you is collected, processed, or stored.

Review the Kaspersky Security Network Statement. If you accept all of its terms, in the Wizard window, click the Accept button.

If you do not want to participate in Kaspersky Security Network, click the Decline button.

After you accept or decline participation in Kaspersky Security Network, application installation continues.

In some application versions, the Kaspersky Security Network Statement includes information about personal data processing.

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[Topic 127350]

Step 5. Installation

Installation of the application can take some time. Wait for it to finish.

Upon installation completion, the Setup Wizard automatically proceeds to the next step.

During installation, Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection checks the computer for compliance with hardware and software requirements:

  • Whether the operating system and Service Pack meet the software requirements;
  • All the required applications are available;
  • The amount of free disk space is enough for installation;
  • The user installing the application has administrator privileges.

If any of the above-listed requirements is not met, a corresponding notification is displayed.

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[Topic 127352]

Step 6. Completing installation

During this step, the Wizard informs you of the completion of application installation.

In some cases, you may need to restart your operating system to complete installation.

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[Topic 127353]

Installing the application from the command prompt

You can install Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection from the command prompt.

Certain commands can be executed only under the administrator account.

Command prompt syntax:

<path to the file of the installation package> [parameters]

Detailed instructions and a list of installation settings are available on the Technical Support website.

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[Topic 90750]