Kaspersky Safe Kids for Microsoft Windows

Provide Kaspersky Safe Kids performance information for Technical Support

Tracing is a way to record detailed information about the application's activity. Kaspersky Lab Technical Support specialists use trace files to troubleshoot issues. You can enable application event logging to create trace files and send them to Technical Support if requested. By default, application event logging is disabled.

You can also enable or disable the logging and automatic transfer of operating system data (dump files) to Kaspersky Lab specialists. They use the provided information to find application bugs and fix them in subsequent updates. You can find more information about the purpose and structure of trace files and dumps files in the About the content of trace files and dump files section. By default, logging and automatic transfer of operating system data are enabled.

Provide Kaspersky Safe Kids performance information for Technical Support

  1. In the context menu of the icon, select Settings.
  2. Enter the password for your My Kaspersky account.

    The Settings window opens.

  3. In the Track issues section, select the Log application events and Log and automatically send operating system data checkboxes.

Information about the operation of the application is saved in the C:\%Programdata%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Safe Kids <application version>\Logs folder.

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