Kaspersky Safe Kids for Microsoft Windows

About the content of trace files and dump files

After you report a problem to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support specialists, they may ask you to generate a report with information about the operation of Kaspersky Safe Kids and send it to Kaspersky Lab Technical Support. Technical Support specialists may also ask you to create a trace file. The trace file makes it possible to examine the execution of application commands step by step and determine the stage at which an error occurs.

About the content of dump files

Dump files contain information about the device's physical memory, loaded drivers, and a copy of fragments of physical memory. This information helps identify where in the application the crash occurred.

Dump files can contain confidential data. Kaspersky Lab does not store or process confidential data. The files sent are needed to troubleshoot the application.

About trace files for the Kaspersky Safe Kids downloader and Installation Wizard

Trace files contain information about events that occur when you:

  • Download the Kaspersky Safe Kids installation package.
  • Install Kaspersky Safe Kids.

Trace files for the Kaspersky Safe Kids downloader and Installation Wizard can contain the addresses of the servers from which the installation package was downloaded, the full names of the files to be installed, and shortcuts.

Trace files for the Kaspersky Safe Kids downloader and Installation Wizard are stored in the %TEMP% folder under the following names:

  • kl-preinstall-<date>-<time>.log
  • kl-install-<date>-<time>.log
  • kl-setup-<date>-<time>.log

About GUI.log, SRV.log, and HST.log trace files

GUI.log and SRV.log trace files contain information about events that occur when:

  • Connecting to My Kaspersky.
  • Fetching settings from My Kaspersky.
  • Sending statistics to My Kaspersky.
  • Applying the received settings on the computer.

GUI.log trace files can contain operating system account names, website addresses, browser names, and the full names of files launched by the user.

SRV.log trace files can contain the full names of application files, the name and IP address of the proxy server, user restrictions, addresses of viewed websites, operating system accounts names, public server certificates, as well as user names and passwords used to sign in to websites via an unencrypted protocol.

HST.log trace files can contain the full names of application files, the name and IP address of the proxy server, user restrictions, addresses of viewed websites, and operating system account names.

Trace files are stored in the %ProgramData%\Kaspersky Lab folder (or in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky Lab folder under Windows XP).

Trace files have names like this:

  • safekids.<version>_<date_created>_<time_created>_<process ID>.GUI.log.
  • safekids.<version>_<date_created>_<time_created>_<process ID>.SRV.log.
  • safekids.<version>_<date_created>_<time_created>_<process ID>.HST.log.

Trace files are stored on your device for 7 days. After that, the application deletes them. If you disable logging of application events, all trace files are permanently deleted from your computer.

See also

Provide Kaspersky Safe Kids performance information for Technical Support

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