Document conventions

This document uses the following conventions (see table below).

Document conventions


Sample text

Description of document convention

Note that...

Warnings are highlighted in red and boxed. Warnings show information about actions that may have unwanted consequences.

We recommend that you use...

Notes are boxed. Notes provide additional and reference information.





Examples are given on a yellow background under the heading "Example".

Update means...

The Databases are out of date event occurs.

The following elements are italicized in the text:

  • New terms.
  • Names of application statuses and events.

Press ENTER.

Press ALT+F4.

Names of keyboard keys appear in bold and are capitalized.

Names of keys that are connected by a + (plus) sign indicate the use of a key combination. These keys have to be pressed simultaneously.

Click the Enable button.

Names of application interface elements, such as entry fields, menu items, and buttons, are set off in bold.

To configure a task schedule:

Introductory phrases of instructions are italicized and are accompanied by the arrow sign.

In the command line, type help.

The following message then appears:

Specify the date in dd:mm:yy format.

The following types of text content are set off with a special font:

  • Text in the command line.
  • Text of messages that the application displays on screen.
  • Data to be entered using the keyboard.

<User name>

Variables are enclosed in angle brackets. Instead of a variable, the corresponding value should be inserted, with angle brackets omitted.

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