Configuring participation in Kaspersky Security Network
To accept or reject participation in Kaspersky Security Network:
In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Protection subsection.
In the External services section, click the KSN Statement link to open the KSN Statement window.
Read the Kaspersky Security Network Statement and select one of the following options:
Accept if you want to participate in Kaspersky Security Network.
Do not accept if you do not want to participate in Kaspersky Security Network.
Click the Apply button.
The KSN Statement window closes.
In the External services section, click the KSN timeout link to open the External services window.
In the External services settings group, in the KSN timeout field specify the maximum KSN timeout in seconds. You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 300 seconds.