Configuring the custom SURBL list for the Anti-Spam engine

You can create a custom list of SURBL servers to improve the accuracy of spam detection. SURBL servers store lists of web addresses that were previously detected in the subject or body of messages recognized as spam and to which the Anti-Spam engine assigns a spam rating and one of the Anti-Spam message scan status labels.

To create the custom SURBL list of the Anti-Spam engine:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Protection subsection.
  2. In the Anti-Spam section, click the Custom SURBL list link to open the Custom SURBL list window.
  3. In the field under the window name, type DNS names or IP addresses into the SURBL list.

    You can use only these symbols: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, "-" and ".", and the "-" symbol must not come last. For example, you can add the DNS name or the IP address to the list.

    Separate the addresses with the ";" symbol.

  4. Click the Apply button.

To view the custom SURBL list of the Anti-Spam engine:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Protection subsection.
  2. In the Anti-Spam section, click the Custom SURBL list link to open the Custom SURBL list window.
  3. Click the Apply or Cancel button after you finish managing the list.

    The Custom SURBL list window closes.

To remove an entry from the custom SURBL list of the Anti-Spam engine:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Protection subsection.
  2. In the Anti-Spam section, click the Custom SURBL list link to open the Custom SURBL list window.
  3. In the field under the window name, select one or several accounts that you want to delete.
  4. Press the Delete key.
  5. Click the Apply button.

See also

Anti-Spam protection

About Anti-Spam protection

About Anti-Spam message scan status labels

Enabling and disabling Anti-Spam protection of messages

Enabling and disabling Anti-Spam scanning of messages for a rule

Configuring Anti-Spam engine settings

Setting default values for Anti-Spam engine settings

Configuring the custom DNSBL list for the Anti-Spam engine

Configuring Anti-Spam scan settings for a rule

Configuring Anti-Spam scan actions on messages

Configuring tags added to message subjects after Anti-Spam scanning

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