Adding addresses to custom black and white lists of addresses

To be able to access custom black and white lists of addresses from the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, you have to add a connection to a LDAP server.

To be able to manage custom black and white lists of addresses from the web interface of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway, you have to connect to a LDAP server.

To add addresses to custom black and white lists of email addresses:

  1. In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and LDAP subsection.
  2. In the Custom Black and White lists of addresses settings group, click the Access to black and white lists link to open the Custom black and white lists of addresses window.
  3. In the Search by user name or group name in the LDAP directory service field, enter a search string for searching custom black lists and white lists of addresses by user name or group name in the LDAP directory service.
  4. Click the Find button on the right of the entry field.

    A list of LDAP accounts matching the search string you specified appears under the entry field.

  5. Click the LDAP account of the user to whose custom black and white lists of addresses you want to add addresses.

    The custom black and white lists of addresses appear in the lower part of the window.

  6. In the address entry field of the list of addresses to which you want to add email addresses, type the email address that you want to add.

    The email addresses are entered one at a time. Repeat the process of adding addresses to the list for all email addresses that you are adding.

    You can use the symbols "*" and "?" to create address masks, and regular expressions beginning with the prefix "reg:".

    Regular expressions are not case-sensitive.

  7. Click the KSMG_reports_plus button on the right of the entry field.

    The email address that has been added appears in the list you have selected.

  8. After you finish managing the user's custom lists, click the Apply button.

The Custom black and white lists of addresses window closes.

See also

Black and white lists of addresses

About black and white lists of addresses

Configuring the custom black list of addresses

Viewing custom black and white lists of addresses

Removing addresses from custom black and white lists of addresses

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