In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Protection subsection.
In the Anti-Spam section, click any of the Use KSN, Use enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service, Use reputation filtering or Maximum scanning time links to open the Anti-Spam settings window.
In the External services settings group, select one of the following options in the drop-down list Use KSN:
Yes, if you want to use KSN.
No, if you do not want to use KSN.
In the External services settings group, select one of the following options in the drop-down list Use enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service:
Yes, if you want to use enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service.
No, if you do not want to use enforced Anti-Spam Updates Service.
In the External services settings group, select one of the following options in the drop-down list Use reputation filtering:
Yes, if you want to use reputation filtering.
No, if you do not want to use reputation filtering.
In the Performance settings group, in the Maximum scanning time field specify the maximum Anti-Spam scan time in seconds.
If Anti-Spam scanning of a message does not finish within the time limit you specified, Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway:
Stops scanning the message (Skip action).
Assigns the Error status to the message.
Delivers the message to the recipient.
Adds the following entry to the /var/log/maillog event log:
<scan date and time> <Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway hostname>: not clean: message-id=<message ID>: relay-ip=<IP address of message recipient's computer>: action="Skipped": rules=<rule ID>: size=<message size>: mail-from=<message sender's email address>: rcpt-to=<message recipient's email address>: kt-status="NotScanned, disabled by settings", av-status="Clean", ap-status="Clean", as-status="Error", ma-status="NotScanned, disabled by settings", cf-status="NotScanned, disabled by settings">