Adding a local domain (relay_domain)

To add a local domain of your organization:

  1. In the main window of the program web interface, open the management console tree and select the Domains section.
  2. Click the Add button.

    The record creation window opens.

  3. In the Record type settings group, select Domain as the record type.
  4. In the Domain/Email address field, type the name of the domain for which Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway must receive email messages from any sources, including untrusted sources.

    Type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

  5. Select the check box next to the name of the Local domain setting.

    Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway receives messages from untrusted sources only for the domains you specified. Messages from untrusted sources intended for other domains are rejected.

  6. In the Email routing settings group, select the switch next to the name of the Configure email routing setting.
  7. In the Protocol settings group, select one of the email transmission protocols:
    • SMTP—If you want to configure email transmission via the SMTP protocol.
    • LMTP—If you want to configure email transmission via the LMTP protocol.
  8. In the Destination address and port number field, enter the IP address or the domain name of the server to which you want to configure routing of email.

    You can enter an IPv4 address (for example, or, a subnet mask in CIDR notation (for example: fc00::/7), a domain name or FQDN.

  9. In the MX lookup section, enable or disable MX record lookup. Select one of the following options:
    • Disabled—If you want to disable MX record lookup.
    • Enabled—If you want to enable MX record lookup.
  10. In the TLS Encryption mode for all outgoing mail of the mail server settings group, select one of the following options:
    • Use TLS Encryption mode, set for all outgoing mail from the server—If you want to use the TLS encryption mode set for all outgoing messages from the mail server for this domain.
    • Override TLS Encryption mode for this domain—If you want to configure a different TLS encryption mode for this domain.
  11. If you have chosen to configure a different TLS encryption mode for this domain, in the Override TLS Encryption mode for this domain list select the mode of TLS encryption of the connection that you want to set.
  12. If you want to configure the DKIM signature for messages from addresses of this domain, in the DKIM signature for messages from domain addresses settings group, do the following:
    1. Click the Add button.

      The Creating DKIM signature for the domain window opens.

    2. In the Selector field, type the name that will help you find the DKIM signature.
    3. In the Key name list, select the DKIM key based on which the DKIM signature will be added to messages.
    4. Click the OK button.

      The Creating DKIM signature for the domain window closes.

  13. Click Add in the lower part of the window.

The domain for which Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway will be receiving messages appears in the list of domains.

See also

Domains and configuration of email routing

Adding a record to the transport map and configuring email routing (transport_map)

Deleting a record from the transport map

Modifying email routing for a domain (transport_map)

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