Creating a configuration file for the built-in balancer

Only applicable when integrating with multiple servers of КАТА 5.0 or a later version.

To create a configuration file for the built-in balancer:

  1. Create a text file in the Unix format (LF for newline) and name it haproxy.cfg.
  2. Add the following lines to the file:


        log local6

        chroot /var/lib/haproxy

        pidfile /var/run/

        stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats user root group adm mode 660 level user

        maxconn 1000

        user haproxy

        group haproxy




        mode tcp

        log global

        retries 3

        timeout queue 1m

        timeout connect 10s

        timeout client 1m

        timeout server 1m

        timeout check 10s

        maxconn 1000


    frontend kata_balancer


        default_backend kata_servers

  3. Choose the appropriate method of specifying KATA server addresses and add the corresponding line to the file.
    • If you want to specify IP addresses of all KATA servers in the configuration file, add the following lines to the file:

      backend kata_servers

          balance roundrobin

          default-server check

          server kata_node1 <IP-address1:port1>

          server kata_node2 <IP-address2:port2>

          server kata_node3 <IP-address3:port3>

          server kata_node4 <IP-address4:port4>

    • If you want to obtain an up-to-date list of addresses using a domain name (DNS record), add the following lines to the file:

      resolvers dns_servers


          accepted_payload_size 8192

          timeout resolve 10s

          timeout retry 10s

          hold valid 60s


      backend kata_servers

          balance roundrobin

          default-server check resolvers dns_servers init-addr none

          server-template kata_node 8 <domain_name>:<port>

      To obtain the list of addresses using a domain name, on the DNS server, create a domain name (for example, with multiple A records indicating the IP addresses of KATA servers.

  4. Save the configuration file.

The configuration file for the built-in balancer is created.

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