Mapping a vCloud Director organization to a virtual Administration Server

The actions described in this section must be performed only if you are using the application in multitenancy mode.

To map a vCloud Director organization to a virtual Administration Server:

  1. Start the Integration Server Console.
  2. Select the Manage protection of tenant organizations section and make sure that the Integration Server is connected to the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server. Connect if a connection is not already established.
  3. Open the list of mappings of vCloud Director organizations to virtual Administration Servers.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to set mapping for a vCloud Director organization, in the table find the row that contains the name of the vCloud Director organization, and click the link located in the Virtual Server column. The Select a virtual Administration Server window opens. The window displays a list of all virtual Administration Servers that have not yet been mapped to a vCloud Director organization.
    • If you want to set mapping for a virtual Administration Server, in the table find the link that contains the name of the virtual Administration Server, and click the link located in the vCloud Director organization column. The Select a vCloud Director organization window opens. The window displays a list of all vCloud Director organizations that have not yet been mapped to a virtual Administration Server. The list of vCloud Director organizations is grouped by VMware vCloud Director servers.

    To search for the relevant row in the table, you can use the filter or search bar.

  5. In the opened window, select the virtual Administration Server or vCloud Director organization and click OK.

    The selection window closes, the new mapping appears in the vCloud Director organizations to virtual administration Servers mapping list window.

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