Viewing the protected infrastructure in a policy

In policy properties, you can view the protected infrastructure selected for the policy, and information about the use of protection profiles.

To view information about the protected infrastructure in a policy:

  1. In the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, open the policy properties:
    1. In the console tree, select the Managed devices folder.
    2. In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
    3. Select a policy in the list of policies and double-click the policy to open the Properties: <Policy name> window.
  2. In the policy properties window, in the File threat protection section, select the Protected infrastructure subsection.

    The Kaspersky Security administration plug-in attempts to automatically connect to the Integration Server. If the connection fails, the Connection to Integration Server window opens. In the Connection to Integration Server window, specify the Integration Server address and click OK.

  3. The Kaspersky Security administration plug-in verifies the SSL certificate received from the Integration Server. If the received certificate contains an error, the Certificate verification window containing the error message opens. The SSL certificate is used to establish a secure connection to the Integration Server. If there are problems with the SSL certificate, it is recommended to make sure that the utilized data transfer channel is secure. To view information on the received certificate, click the View the received certificate button in the window containing the error message. You can install the certificate you received as a trusted certificate to avoid receiving a certificate error message at the next connection to the Integration Server. To do so, select the Install received certificate and stop showing warnings for <Integration Server address> check box.

    To continue connecting, click the Continue button in the Certificate verification window. If you selected the Install received certificate and stop showing warnings for <Integration Server address> check box, the received certificate is saved in the operating system registry on the computer where the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is installed. The application also checks the previously installed trusted certificate for the Integration Server. If the received certificate does not match the previously installed certificate, a window opens to confirm replacement of the previously installed certificate. To replace the previously installed certificate with the certificate received from the Integration Server and continue connecting, click the Yes button in this window.

After connecting to the Integration Server, the right part of the window displays information about the protected infrastructure and the use of protection profiles.

Information about the protected infrastructure

The protected infrastructure is displayed as a tree of items. The root element is the "vCloud Director organization" object, which combines all virtual Datacenters of your virtual infrastructure.

If the virtual infrastructure contains two or more virtual machines with the same ID (vmID), only one virtual machine appears in the object tree. If this virtual machine has been assigned a protection profile, the settings of this protection profile are applied to all virtual machines that have the same ID (vmID).

Information about the assignment of protection profiles to virtual infrastructure objects

The Protection profile column displays information about the assignment of protection profiles to objects of the protected infrastructure. Kaspersky Security uses the settings of assigned protection profiles when protecting virtual machines.

The information is displayed as follows:

By default, the main protection profile is assigned to the root element "vCloud Director organization" and is inherited by all objects of the virtual infrastructure.

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