Conditions for protection of virtual machines against file threats
Kaspersky Security protects virtual machines that meet the following conditions:
The virtual machine is not powered off or paused.
When performing scan tasks, Kaspersky Security can scan powered-off virtual machines that have the following file systems: NTFS, FAT32, EXT2, EXT3, EXT4, XFS, BTRFS.
The Guest Introspection driver (NSX File Introspection Driver) has been installed and is running on the virtual machine.
The virtual machine is part of an NSX Security Group configured in the VMware vSphere Web Client console. This group must be assigned an NSX Security Policy in which the use of the file system protection service (Kaspersky File Antimalware Protection) is configured.
A protection profile is being applied to the virtual machine.
If even one of the listed conditions is not fulfilled, Kaspersky Security does not protect the virtual machine.