Managing the application using Kaspersky Security Center policies

Administration Console or Web Console can be used to work with policies.

This section describes how to work with policies using the Administration Console. For basic information on working with policies using the Web Console, refer to the Managing policies in Web Console section. For more information about Web Console, refer to Kaspersky Security Center documentation.

The following Kaspersky Security Center policies are used to manage Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 5.1 Light Agent settings:

You can perform the following policy management operations:

The policy settings and groups of settings have the "lock" attribute, which shows whether or not the application blocks changing of a setting or group of settings in the local application settings, task settings, or in policies of the nested hierarchy level (for nested administration groups and virtual and slave Administration Servers).

In the Light Agent policy for Windows and in the Light Agent policy for Linux, you can create policy profiles. Using policy profiles allows more flexibility in configuring the Light Agent settings on different virtual machines. A policy profile may contain settings that differ from the settings of a basic policy and that are applied to protected virtual machines when your own defined conditions (activation rules) are met.

You can create and configure policy profiles in policy properties for a Light Agent in the Policy profiles section.

For more information about managing policies and policy profiles, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center documentation.

In this section:

Protection Server policy

Light Agent for Windows policy

Light Agent for Linux policy

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