Using the SVM first startup script

An SVM supports the use of a first startup script to run configuration commands. It is recommended to use an SVM first startup script to perform the following tasks:

It is not recommended to use a long list of commands because the first startup script is intended for performing a minimal set of commands.

Commands using the standard input stream, for example, passwd, should not be sent to the first startup script. This leads to the inability to start the SVM.

To send commands to the first startup script, you need to specify them in the following format:

KL_CMD1="<command 1>" KL_CMD2="<command 2>" … KL_CMDn="<command N>"

where <command> is the name of the command, with parameters (if necessary).

For example, the following sequence of commands lets you configure SVM network settings when using static IP addressing:

KL_CMD1="network eth0" KL_CMD2="manageservices restart network"

While the first startup script is being run, commands are numbered and executed in the order in which they were sent to the first startup script.

After the script is executed, the file named boot_config.log containing the script execution results is created in the folder /var/log/kaspersky/la/.

You can use the following special commands when creating a first startup script:

For example:

KL_CMD1="ALWAYS" KL_CMD2="network eth0"

The mechanism used to send commands to the first startup script depends on the type of hypervisor:

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