To install the MMC plug-ins, Integration Server, and Integration Server Console from the command line,
run one of the following commands:
ksvla-components_5.2.X.X_mlg.exe -q --lang=<
language ID
> --accept-EulaAndPrivacyPolicy=yes
ksvla-components_5.2.X.X_mlg.exe -q --lang=<
language ID
> --accept-EulaAndPrivacyPolicy=yes --viisPass=<
is the application version number.<
language ID
is the ID of the language of components to install.The language ID must be indicated in the following format: ru, en, de, fr, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, ja. It is case-sensitive.
is the password of the Integration Server administrator account. If the device on which Integration Server is installed does not belong to a Microsoft Windows domain, the Integration Server administrator admin account is used to manage the Integration Server.A password must be no longer than 60 characters. You can use only letters of the Latin alphabet (uppercase and lowercase letters), numerals, and the following special characters: ! # $ % & ' ( ) * " + , - . / \ : ; < = > _ ? @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~
. For security purposes, you are advised to set a password that is at least 8 characters long and use at least three of the four categories of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numerals, and special characters.
means that you accept the terms of Kaspersky Security End User License Agreement between you and Kaspersky and the Privacy Policy that describes processing and transmission of data. By setting this parameter to yes
, you confirm the following:The text of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy is included in the application distribution kit. You must accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy if you want to install the Kaspersky Security MMC plug-ins, Integration Server, and Integration Server Console.
You can read the text of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy by executing the following command:
ksvla-components_5.2.X.X_mlg.exe --lang=<
language ID
> --show-EulaAndPrivacyPolicy
The text of the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy is output to the license_<language ID>.txt file in the tmp folder.
You can also indicate the following optional parameters in the command:
port number
Port number 7271 is used by default for connecting to the Integration Server. Specify this parameter if you want to use a different port to connect to the Integration Server.
If the Integration server is installed within the application update, the --viisPort
parameter is not supported.
path to file
By default, information about installation results is logged to the trace files that are saved in the %temp%\Kaspersky_Security_for_Virtualization_<version number>_Light_Agent_BundleInitialInstall_logs_<date and time>.zip archive, where:
Indicate this parameter if you want save the installation results in a different file.
To view a description of all available parameters when installing Kaspersky Security components from the command line, use the --help
Installation of MMC plug-ins, Integration Server, and Integration Server Console may take some time. After installation, MMC plug-ins appear in the list of installed administration plug-ins in the settings of the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server.
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