Specifying SVM settings (infrastructures based on OpenStack)
This step is displayed if you are performing SVM deployment in a virtual infrastructure managed by the OpenStack platform, VK Cloud platform, or TIONIX Cloud Platform.
On this step, you must specify deployment settings for each SVM that is to be deployed within the selected OpenStack projects. The OpenStack project column displays the name of the project that the SVM will be deployed in, as well as the project path in the infrastructure.
Specify the following settings required for SVM deployment:
If there is no virtual machine of the suitable type in the list, use the virtual infrastructure to create the required virtual machine type. After that, to refresh the list of available virtual machine types, you can go back to the infrastructure selection step and select the Refresh button or restart the SVM deployment procedure.
Volume type determines which data storage will be used for disk creation during the SVM deployment. Select a volume type from available types for OpenStack project.
A logical collection of hypervisors used to provide fault tolerance in infrastructures based on OpenStack. Select an availability zone into which the SVM will be located.
Grouping of virtual machines according to the policy that determines the hypervisors on which virtual machines will be started. Select a Server group, into which the SVM will be located.