This step displays information about the SVM deployment results in the virtual infrastructure.
You can use the links to open a brief report and the SVM Management Wizard log.
You can view the following information in the brief report:
The brief report is saved in a temporary file. To be able to use information from the report later, save the log file in a permanent storage location.
The SVM Management Wizard log saves information specified by you at every step of the wizard. If the SVM deployment process ends in an error, you can use the wizard log when contacting Technical Support.
The SVM Management Wizard log is saved to the %LOCALAPPDATA%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky VIISLA Console\logs\KasperskyDeployWizard_<file creation date and time>.log file on the device where the wizard was launched. The log does not contain information about account passwords. A new log file is created each time the wizard starts.
Finish the wizard.
If your virtual infrastructure uses a Microsoft Windows Server (Hyper-V) hypervisor, after SVM deployment the event log may contain an event indicating the need to update the Integration Services package on the SVM. You can ignore this notification because the Integration Services do not need to be updated to operate the SVM.
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