
This command lets you configure the use of DHCP for the network interface of the SVM.

The new settings are applied after the file /etc/resolv.conf is overwritten as a result of a restart of the SVM or network service (the manageservices restart network command).

If you want to change the IP address assignment method for SVMs using static IP addressing to the use of DHCP, sequentially execute the dns and dnssearch commands without parameters after the dhcp command. This lets you delete the previously configured list of DNS servers and search domains in the file /etc/resolv.conf.

If you want to add a DNS server or search domain to the list of DNS servers and search domains received over the DHCP protocol when using dynamic IP addressing, first restart the SVM or restart the network service (the manageservices restart network command). This lets you overwrite the file /etc/resolv.conf. Then execute the dns and dnssearch commands with the necessary parameters.


<InterfaceName> [<MakePrimary>]


The primary network interface sets the default route and DNS servers (DEFROUTE = yes, PEERDNS = yes). Only one network interface from those utilized by an SVM may be primary. If the "primary" indicator is assigned to multiple network interfaces, the last one of them becomes the primary network interface.


> ssh klconfig@ dhcp eth0 yes

> klconfig@’s password:


Specific errors


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