Solution architecture

Protection Server component

Kaspersky Security Protection Server (hereinafter also "Protection Server") is the scanserver service installed on a special virtual machine known as an SVM (secure virtual machine). An SVM is included in the Kaspersky Security distribution kit as a virtual machine image. During installation of the solution, you need to deploy SVMs from an image on hypervisors in the virtual infrastructure.

Protection Server performs the following functions:

Light Agent component

The Light Agent component must be installed on each virtual machine that needs to be protected using the Kaspersky Security solution. A virtual machine with the Light Agent component installed is called protected virtual machine.

Kaspersky Security for Virtualization 6.0 Light Agent protects virtual machines running Linux guest operating systems. To protect virtual machines running Windows guest operating systems, use Kaspersky Security 5.2 Light Agent.

The Kaspersky Security solution uses Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux as the Light Agent for Linux. Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux, running in Light Agent mode, protects virtual machines running Linux operating systems from various types of threats and network and phishing attacks. For more information about the functionality of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux, see the Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Linux Help.

When launched, the Light Agent establishes and maintains a connection to the SVM in order to interact with the Protection Server component.

Integration Server component

The Integration Server component facilitates interaction between Kaspersky Security solution components and the virtual infrastructure.

The Integration Server is used for performing the following tasks:

The Integration Server is managed using the Integration Server Console.

To use the Integration Server in the operation of Light Agents and Protection Servers, you need to configure the settings for connecting SVMs and Light Agents to the Integration Server.

After configuring the settings for connecting SVM to the Integration Server, SVM transmits the following information to the Integration Server every 5 minutes:

A Light Agent attempts to connect to the Integration Server once every 30 seconds if the Light Agent has no information about any SVM and the last attempt to connect to the Integration Server failed. After a Light Agent receives information about SVMs from the Integration Server, the connection interval increases to 5 minutes.

During its operation, the Integration Server saves the following information:

All data is stored in encrypted form. Information is stored on the device on which Integration Server is installed and is not sent to Kaspersky.

Management plug-ins and Network Agent

The interface for managing Kaspersky Security solution components using Kaspersky Security Center is provided by Kaspersky Security management plug-ins.

Network Agent, a component of Kaspersky Security Center, facilitates interaction between the Kaspersky Security solution and Kaspersky Security Center, and also provides the ability to manage Kaspersky Security solution components via Kaspersky Security Center.

Network Agent must be installed on each virtual machine that needs to be protected using the Kaspersky Security solution. Network Agent does not need to be installed on SVMs because this component is included in the SVM images.

In this Help section

SVM deployment options

Connecting Light Agent to SVM

About data processing

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