In the list on the left, select the List of tenants section.
The right side of the window displays a table of all tenants registered in the Integration Server database.
The following information about each tenant is displayed in the list:
Status – tenant status in the Integration Server database. The status is indicated by the following icon:
means the tenant has the "Active" status.
menas the tenant has the "Inactive" status.
For a complete tenant, the status determines the protection status of tenant virtual machines:
If the tenant status is "Active", protection of the tenant virtual machines is enabled.
If the tenant status is "Inactive", protection of the tenant virtual machines is disabled.
For a simple tenant, the tenant status does not affect the virtual machine protection status.
Information about the tenant and the tenant virtual machines:
tenant name
tenant type: Complete or Simple
tenant ID
for a complete tenant: identifier of the virtual Administration Server configured for the tenant
list of identifiers (BIOS ID) or names of the tenant virtual machines
Administrator account – name of the account used by the administrator of a complete tenant to connect to the virtual Administration Server configured for the tenant. The list displays the account name specified when the tenant was created, even if this name was subsequently changed.
You can update the list of tenants using the Refresh link above the table.