Updating in silent mode using the wizard

We recommend to close the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console before starting the update.

To update the Integration Server and Integration Server Console in silent mode using the wizard,

Run the following command:

ksvla-components_<version number>_mlg.exe -q --lang=<language ID> --accept-EulaAndPrivacyPolicy=yes --viisPass=<password> [--log-path=<file path>] [--createBackup] [--backupFolder=<folder path>]


To view a description of all available command line parameters for installing and updating Kaspersky Security components, use the --help parameter.

Updating the Integration Server and Integration Server Console takes some time.

After the update is complete, in Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, in the workspace of the Administration Server <server name> node on the Monitoring tab, the Deployment section displays a Manage Kaspersky Security for Virtualization <version number> Light Agent link (where <version number> is the number of the updated version of the Kaspersky Security solution). This link is used to start the Integration Server Console.

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